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rude players

Mon, Oct 31 2022 6:00 AM (44 replies)
  • HamdenPro
    2,462 Posts
    Tue, May 17 2022 7:42 AM

    so instead they censor everyone so the offensive players can stay

    I agree with what you say, but do want to point out, I do not believe the individual we are talking about is an "offensive" player. I have seen no evidence of his being offensive to others in game.

    I personally am offended in the manner in which I get slammed in many threads, by him, for expressing my opinion, which ultimately led to my post above. I am just weary of the BS.

    I do find the website he promotes offensive.

  • tramilleo
    1,881 Posts
    Tue, May 17 2022 9:52 AM

    ^^^^^^^ +1000

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,626 Posts
    Tue, May 17 2022 12:53 PM

    Steff had a much deeper look INTO the site, while I only looked at the surface.

    Wow... Never knew any of these. *SMH*

  • HamdenPro
    2,462 Posts
    Tue, May 17 2022 5:49 PM

    Maybe a good time to close this thread, 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2022 2:05 AM

    Maybe a good time to close this thread, 

    Deleting would be better as it wouldn't be viewable then and I'd think it's more likely to encourage some toward rather than away from.  That said it would be a bit unfair to the OP as the first part is about what he wants to talk about, maybe delete the last two pages?

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2022 8:05 PM

    Here is the latest

    Why would you keep going back and forth with someone who is quite possibly mentally unstable?

  • BOZskills
    407 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2022 8:21 AM

    Paul,couldn't help but notice he's got like 208 friends. How is this possible?