It looks like WGT have done the usual & updated something that wasn't broken & broke it LOL
It looks like any new CC tourneys (I think created in last 3-4 days) display incorrectly once a player has played Round 2. It is showing their score at the bottom of the page & placing them in last place while showing first place as the lowest R1 score.
I believe that this is due to them replacing the dashes for an un-played round to a zero (a pain for anyone that copy/pastes leaderboard into spreadsheets) so it is sorting by the total score & not by completed scores for current round & then lowest scores for those that played the previous round. It also means if you go into a leaderboard it looks like no-ones played the next round yet unless you scroll down to the bottom.
Not to mention everything on the Launcher is super slow loading now and sometimes it wont load at all ...
Same for both launcher leaderboard & page