Way to go WGT! It takes some truly elitest cojones to construct a tournament that 99% + of your active users will never get within 20 strokes of par on. Brilliant! Think of all the lost ball sales you'll have now that the vast majority of players will probably try it once & say 'forget it!' Who in their right minds will waste time battling the bs wind speeds (ultra-strong and, in true WGT form, ultra-mistated), bs green reads, etc, etc, to post what they believe are utterly atrocious scores, and then do this repeatedly?? Virtually no one, that's who!
Yep, nice job WGT, leaving a virtual dumptruck load of dung at the feet of the vast majority of your loyal clients. Okay, okay, you've been doing just that since 2007 but at nowhere near this level. You are (because I can't think of a slimier, more reprehensible descriptive) Kamala Harris!!