Cicero733: So, would you say that the starter ball is good for putting practice?
Yes I guess you could but it will be a much faster meter if you normally use $$ or slow meter balls and then when you go back to your regular balls it might affect your timing for the ding.
A couple things to note as well;
- There are 3 actual practice putting greens built into the game just in case you were "practice" putting by playing solo ranked rounds.
- Putts, and in fact any stroke taken ON the putting green do NOT count as hits on your ball so you won't be wasting "good" or $$$$ balls by practicing putting. You can hit a million putts with the same ball and the hit meter will not budge.
- BUT note that any time you hit the Mulligan button, even ON the green and putting, it will use up 1 hit of your ball