Changing the thread subject for a moment. Does anybody have a neat trick for getting to the profile page of players with no names?
No malice intended, just curious as to why this phenomena occurs.
Been wondering it, too. It goes like a long-time member since 2009 or 2010 posts something out of the blue, for the first time or only 2-3 posts in his entire career here, usually bitching about the game, and then gets banned shortly after.
Scott, I think you can get some clue from his or her profile picture properties. It reads so his ID # is probably 36945854. I remember you posted something about this subject (how to find your ID #) so maybe you can trace it back the other way around, I suppose?
↓↓↓ A-ha! Knew you would find a way! :) Hope Alosso sees it. Cheers, Scott ↓↓↓
↓↓↓ EDIT : Awesome! :D ↓↓↓