As I understand it ,
I need some help to better understand these 3 achievement awards as the numbers I am showing are just not changing.....
1)--"put me in coach"--completed rounds in country club clash events
2)--"clashing with friends"--country club clash events played in
3)--"clash to win"--rounds completed in a single country club clash event
Thanks all for your input but sometimes somethings with this game I cant figure out. Cheers
1) means total number of clash rounds you have played over all of the clashes
2) means number of “in country club “ tournaments you have played
3) means number of clash rounds you have played in one individual clash event , my target for this for example is 48 , but the most rounds I have played in one clash event is 29 , so it is expressed as 29/48. If I manage to play 30 rounds in one event it will change to 30/48 , and next time if I only play 25 , it will still say 29/48.