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Goal & Achievements

Sun, Mar 3 2024 2:57 PM (580 replies)
  • DelahayeG
    756 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 4:16 AM

    WGT, another anomaly. I just played my daily goals and my 3 apparel boxes got stuck at your place. I'm a little apprehensive because at 20 rewards I should have a new box, well I hope.

    Do you have them delivered by special courier now?

    It becomes tiresome to have to manage these anomalies, which accumulate with those which decorate the game.

    Thanks for making the necessary


  • callaghan159
    6,291 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 4:43 AM

    Do you have them delivered by special courier now?

    I posted the same issue above yours...FYI the next awards...20 stars...are not awarded also

  • billsmini10
    160 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 6:10 AM

    In Goals there were 3 empty apparel boxes and when I was awarded them, nothing happened, I didn't get any apparel at all. The Goals just progressed to the next goal. This is Sunday 8:00 AM Central Daylight Time.

  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 7:08 AM


    Another glitch for WGT and the G&A----played a tournament round for 5 stars and 3 apparel packs and did not receive them. Also most of the little circles on the awards are blank. Could be part of the problem. Keep track of your stars that are collect and prizes that should be awarded. NICO or CHAMP ?

    Evidently, mine paid out as "Kitten Balls" 😂🤣 Additionally, my daily scratcher didn't seem to pay out the 5k of coins revealed, but sadly that's not the first time that has happened.

    2023-06-18 Purchase Added ball Kitten Ball (Gray) Goal 0
    2023-06-18 Purchase Added ball Kitten Ball (Gray) Goal 0
    2023-06-18 Purchase Added ball Kitten Ball (Gray) Goal


  • AnaNikolaj
    639 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 7:13 AM

    I'm guessing we all got a ball, a nice surprise 🤣

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 7:53 AM


    Another glitch for WGT and the G&A----played a tournament round for 5 stars and 3 apparel packs and did not receive them. Also most of the little circles on the awards are blank. Could be part of the problem. Keep track of your stars that are collect and prizes that should be awarded. NICO or CHAMP ?

    Fmagnets posted the following in Discord.

    Look in your list of transactions at These new apparel packs are giving rewards (albeit pretty useless ones, and not apparel), it's just that the animation or pictures for them are not working when you claim them.

  • Duphpherer
    455 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 8:14 AM

    Look under your account "purchases". I thought I got nothing, but "Cat Balls" obviously left over from neutering cats was the silent surprise. I need more crappy balls like I need a 3rd nipple. lol  


    WGT, another anomaly. I just played my daily goals and my 3 apparel boxes got stuck at your place. I'm a little apprehensive because at 20 rewards I should have a new box, well I hope.

    Do you have them delivered by special courier now?

    It becomes tiresome to have to manage these anomalies, which accumulate with those which decorate the game.

    Thanks for making the necessary



  • SamSpayed
    4,992 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 9:39 AM

    Evidently, mine paid out as "Kitten Balls" 😂🤣

    I thought this was a joke, but it's real 😎

    I love the kitten balls.  I'd rather have those than 500 coins.

  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 9:50 AM


    I'd rather have those than 500 coins.


    I noticed that the color of circle around "Apparel Pack" in future rewards are 3 different colors. I wonder if that will be 3 different kind of balls? 🤷‍♂️

  • callaghan159
    6,291 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 11:01 AM



    Another glitch for WGT and the G&A----played a tournament round for 5 stars and 3 apparel packs and did not receive them. Also most of the little circles on the awards are blank. Could be part of the problem. Keep track of your stars that are collect and prizes that should be awarded. NICO or CHAMP ?

    Evidently, mine paid out as "Kitten Balls" 😂🤣 Additionally, my daily scratcher didn't seem to pay out the 5k of coins revealed, but sadly that's not the first time that has happened.

    2023-06-18 Purchase Added ball Kitten Ball (Gray) Goal 0
    2023-06-18 Purchase Added ball Kitten Ball (Gray) Goal 0
    2023-06-18 Purchase Added ball Kitten Ball (Gray) Goal


    I got the 3 cat fur balls also and for 20 stars award I got L11 Srixzon ball. LMAO