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Deliberate disconnections

Sun, Sep 16 2012 2:07 PM (49 replies)
  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 12:42 AM

    i just played a two player game and after rudly being told to hurry up tripple bogey with hole still not finished he quits im over it sooner they implement this the better but i do agree it must be implemented correctly]

    thx chippy


  • Hodoggy
    5 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 1:39 AM

    i appreciate ur response but you didnt answer my question. does that mean you dont knpw, and if you dont, where can i get my question answered?


    thx, Hodoggy

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 3:20 AM

    What question, Hodoggy? I already replied to you:

    The updates are compiled automatically by the site's software. There's no way to post specific information to the friends feed.

    If that wasn't your question, please clarify what it is you need to know.

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 6:02 AM

    *edit* removed..... apparently I can't read this morning.... 

  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 2:43 PM

    This feature will still require you to complete the game as a single player even if the rest of the group drops out or else your reputation rank will be affected.

    Our goal is to let all players know how often ranked multiplayer games that are started are completed by each player.  Even if the rest of the group drops out, because this is a ranked game, we will require each player to finish the round to keep his reputation up.

    Ranked single-player games can be quit as often as you want with no affect to reputation, but ranked multi-player games will negatively affect your reputation if you do not finish the round.  Multi-player practice rounds will have no affect on reputation.

  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 2:58 PM

    So, In a multiplayer stroke play game...

    what's stopping someone from selecting "Save and Quit"  (Or just close the window) -

    resume their game as Single Player -

    and then quit their single player round?




    ...or will  a disconnect affect rep. weather or not the round is resumed and completed?



  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 2:59 PM

      WGTadmin, I believe that's a serious mistake you're making. That's exactly what we have been warning you about. Please reconsider and do not implement it in this way.

    If you do what you describe above, the reputation score will be useless. You will be punishing the quitters' victims along with the quitters.

    You see, when I want to play a multi-player game, I want to play a multi-player game, not single-player! Just try it sometimes, WGTadmin: join a dozen random-pickup multi-player rounds (but not as WGTadmin; as a regular-joe beginning player), and I guarantee you all or most of the rounds will fall apart after a few holes played. Do you have the time or inclination to finish all of those rounds by yourself? Nope. That's not what you wanted.

    I believe it would be better to have no reputation scores at all, than scores that would be as seriously flawed and unfair as suggested above.

    Please, when someone is left alone on the course, automatically consider that round single-player, giving that deserted player the option to quit the round without any penalty.

    Thank you for giving this a thought.

  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 3:05 PM

    Yes Fatterson makes a good point.


    I would also like to point out that this feature would also punish those with a random connection problem, not just the quitters, as there is currently no way to reconnect to a multiplayer Stroke play game.

    It would be shortsighted to implement a reputation tracking feature before it is possible to reconnect to a multiplayer game.


    *edited for clarity

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 3:17 PM

    Implementing a reputation tracking feature before a feature that would allow reconnection is just wrong.

    Players discussing this issue have warned, with emphasis, that if the reputation tracking is implemented incorrectly, it can do lots more damage than good. Better have no reputation tracking at all than one that is totally off-base.

    To circumvent the accidental disconnections problem, please give every player prematurely disconnected from a multi-player round the option to finish that round as single-player, in order to avoid the drop in reputation rank.

    In addition to that, I suggested a time window of, say, 30 to 60 seconds. If all players in a multi-player round disconnect within the same time-frame of 30-60 seconds, please do not lower any of those players'  reputation scores. This would allow players to play sudden-death holes without being penalized for quitting the round after, say, the sudden-death match is decided on extra-hole 2. People do play sudden-death even in stroke-play matches.

    All these things need to be carefully considered, otherwise the reputation rank will be useless. Thank you!

    701 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 3:57 PM

    I don't get it...If a player rudely drops from a multi-player how is putting that out on front street gonna stop it.THEY DON"T CARE.I guess it will help in avoiding the player who quits a lot but as far as changing their behavior I don't think anything will do that.They will probably get their own little chart and brag about being the highest on the quitter list to all their quitter friends.Sometimes you can't  win for being a loser.
