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Goals & Achievements - Live on all platforms

Fri, Mar 31 2023 9:13 PM (258 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2022 1:55 PM

    for any courses in which we have lost throughout the years, it can stem from a few different reasons.

    In this case how about something bossbird mentioned?  "Most of the courses of which you speak Miokontic never did exist on mobile app". You probably wouldn't want to keep getting anything only for PC players when there are so many more on mobile.

  • MioKontic
    4,639 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2022 6:38 PM


    for any courses in which we have lost throughout the years, it can stem from a few different reasons.


    1. we lost the rights to them being in game
    2. the courses have issues irl that prevent them from being in game
    3. in rare cases there were a couple that we didn't shoot in photo realism and didn't look as good as they should have, and we weren't/haven't spent the money to reshoot them properly
    4. sometimes and in even rarer cases, courses just don't want us anymore


    now I don't know exactly know what ones fall into that but that's just the reasons


    I presume point 3 above refers to Cabo and Chateau Whistler?  If so, they're no great loss (in my opinion).

    Would you be able to find out why we lost Bali Hai and Hilversumsche (or Silversmooch as I like to call it :) ) please?  There was also another CTTH-only course that finished with a shot into an island green (around 160yds I think, with what looked like some shacks on stilts in the background), but I can't remember what it was called; maybe someone else might remember it.  I do remember something being said in the forum about Bali Hai a little while back, but a search of the forum didn't find anything; maybe that one was contractual?

    Also (and I know this isn't the right thread to ask, but as we're on the subject...) could we please have a greater variety of CTTH courses for the weekly tournament rather than having Edgewood Tahoe every other week.  We have 28 different CTTH courses, and some of those have more than one CTTH loop, so we could go almost a whole year without repeating a course!

    And as we're on the subject of weekly tournaments, how about some variety with the free multi-round weekly tournament 2nd round game - the green speed for the first round is always the speed for the tier (Championship 13 in my case, which I don't mind as that is the green speed I should be playing); if we can't have the designated green speed for the tier for round 2, could we please have something other than Tournament 11 EVERY week?!?

  • pmm711
    5,640 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2022 10:33 PM


    Where do we post bugs?

    I put them here…not sure if they get addressed though…


  • bossbird
    2,218 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2022 3:19 AM

    Can I point out that when there is a daily goal of playing four holes in coin room, in order to win 5 gold stars , the pop up of goal achieved pops up after hole 1, 2, 3 and 4 !

  • pmm711
    5,640 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2022 5:39 AM


    Can I point out that when there is a daily goal of playing four holes in coin room, in order to win 5 gold stars , the pop up of goal achieved pops up after hole 1, 2, 3 and 4 !

    And what would you want to see…only one popup after tte 4th hole is played, right?  You know I prefer to see no popup at all.  I think you’re actually pointing out a flaw in the way things are currently coded, right?

  • callaghan159
    6,291 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2022 6:16 AM

    I got 2 gold apparel boxes this morning and in those 2 boxes I got rewards for 3 pieces of apparel that I use and nothing has changed for my apparel.....the + numbers are still the same. What gives?

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2022 7:24 AM


    I got 2 gold apparel boxes this morning and in those 2 boxes I got rewards for 3 pieces of apparel that I use and nothing has changed for my apparel.....the + numbers are still the same. What gives?

    You mean you upgraded a piece of apparel and #s didn't change?

    Or you got points toward upgrading your apparel? 

    If you go to your apparel menu, you will see something like 37/100 for a shirt- when it gets to 100/100 you can then Upgrade that shirt to the next level which will change the attributes and the points will change to 100/250.


  • pmm711
    5,640 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2022 7:42 AM


    I got 2 gold apparel boxes this morning and in those 2 boxes I got rewards for 3 pieces of apparel that I use and nothing has changed for my apparel.....the + numbers are still the same. What gives?

    What gives is obvious, isn't it?  Something implemented without thinking everything through nor testing it to any degree whatsoever.  IDK where they get their PMs & devs...maybe they use VoTech students.  They definitely don't appear to be seasoned.  And I'm not putting down VoTech students as I hired lots of them...some way better than college grads.  I'm talking high school freshmen VoTechies.

  • bossbird
    2,218 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2022 8:18 AM



    Can I point out that when there is a daily goal of playing four holes in coin room, in order to win 5 gold stars , the pop up of goal achieved pops up after hole 1, 2, 3 and 4 !

    And what would you want to see…only one popup after tte 4th hole is played, right?  You know I prefer to see no popup at all.  I think you’re actually pointing out a flaw in the way things are currently coded, right?

    Correct , as obviously if I had to play four holes to win five stars , why am I told I have achieved the goal after just , 1, 2and 3 holes when clearly I only win it when I have played 4.

    I know it would please you to have a switch off button , and that would please me too , BUT I do t want to see a pop up when I haven’t achieved anything. So yes, I am pointing out a flaw in the current system. 

  • SamSpayed
    4,992 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2022 1:38 PM

    Something implemented without thinking everything through nor testing it to any degree whatsoever.  IDK where they get their PMs & devs...maybe they use VoTech students.  They definitely don't appear to be seasoned.  And I'm not putting down VoTech students as I hired lots of them...some way better than college grads.  I'm talking high school freshmen VoTechies.

    Paul, I agree 100%.  You're obviously an IT guy, so you get it. 

    I've also experienced the bug that Brian describes (not receiving item points from the G&A apparel packs) and the bug that Leslie describes (the purple "Goal Complete" banner popping up several times mid-game when, in fact, the goal is not yet complete).  Both of these are basic test cases - things that any competent QA tester or developer should have tested.  The fact that G&A has made it into a live customer environment with all the glaring bugs that they have shows (IMHO) a complete lack of quality and talent from WGT's QA testers and developers. 

    And, to add on to that, the fact that WGT designed this whole G&A system without involving any of their customers in testing and providing feedback tells me that they are either clueless about what their customers want, and/or they simply don't care and are just going to do what they (WGT) want to do no matter what their customers think.  Personally, I think it's both.