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Discord or Discontent?

Mon, Sep 26 2022 1:40 AM (86 replies)
  • HamdenPro
    2,515 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2022 11:11 AM

    As many of you know, WGT has been making a push to transition to Discord. I, like others, have resisted this. I was not real familiar with discord and believe the threads are/were a better form of communication.  

    As I am not big on "live" voice chat and have always used PM (private messaging) via wgt profile pages to communicate with friends, I saw no reason to even dip my toes in discord, although I have friends that have, for a long time, insisted I use discord, even before WGT set up its server. My position has always been that Discord is not for me.  I know my younger brother uses discord all the time in his online gaming. When we lived in same household, I would always hear him yelling, laughing, etc..and he would never hear any of us calling him because he had headphones on and was "plugged in". I thought it was ridiculous, hence my feeling that discord is something I would never utilize.

    Although I believe that the forum threads are the best way to discuss many things, and can create a fun environment, much more so than discord, I have to say, after using it for the past month or so, it is actually pretty good. As good as the threads, well, that is for you to decide.

    Some of the reasons discord is not "all that":

    1.  Too many in general chat room that it is dificult to carry on a conversation or keep a constant thought with so many chatting over each other or deviating off topic. Ask a question, who knows what you will get back in reply;

    2.  Not too many specific "chat rooms" - so, for many things, have to post in the general chat area where everyone is chatting over each other and where "meme speak" is the first language. Now, I admit, thanks to PureGro, I am becoming somewhat fluent in meme speak, it is not my first language

    3.  At times, it has been said, it is more ;a chat room for one club, or another and people feel unwelcome to join in conversations; and

    4.  Try keeping up with the chat---The chat is displayed, live, and the page looks like a long chain email:

    The above is not bad as it is only two of us, as no one else was active. However, when signing in, you may be 50 or 60 lines below when you were last on and it is a pain to scroll up and down to find things.

    So, basically, my initial impression was Discord is big pain in butt and not for me.

    Others feel Discord takes away the social aspect of the game.

    Some of the reason discord is not that bad:

    1. You can add friends on discord. As the departure of flash took away the ability to see if friends are busy or available for a game, discord provides for this. When I go on, I can immediately see which of my friends are signed in and simply send a message, directly to them, asking them if they want to play, or chat, etc.. They receive an audible signal letting them know someone is messaging them and can reply in "real time".  If in a game and receive the notice that someone is trying to chat, I can reply, while in game, that I am playing, or "hey, I am on #6, be ready in 15 minutes", etc..  In a way, it is actually better than the old flash way of communicating;

    2.  Clubs can set up private servers, free, and members can freely communicate in real time. You can create threads within the club servers, similar to those in the forums, if you choose and the server "owner", usually the club owner, permits it;

    3. For those who choose, you can speak to each other while playing, or simply while on discord.

    In my personal opinion, there is a need for both discord and the forums.

    The forums provide communication for the overall membership spread across various threads which are easy to follow and easy to catch up on, even if not signed in for a few days. It beats scrolling through a 100 memes to find what you are looking for.

    The threads are a better way to find help, ask questions without being trolled (if solely relying upon WGT main server, and general chat room) and for all the other reasons people turn to the threads, and especially creates an avenue for creative expression and thought.

    Discord is great way to speak directly with friends, find who is available, chat with others, while in game, that are not playing the game.

    Although Nico, and other mods monitor the threads, and read and post, if you want a quick, or immediate, answer to a question, discord allows direct access to them, while they are online. A green dot next to someone's discord name tells you whether they are.

    In our club server, we have a music bot. It accesses music from internet. All you have to do is type ".play" and name the artist of song. Sometimes, when we play, we load up the music bot and play while listening to tunes and chatting in game, or via discord.

    When playing alt, I joke with my partner via discord so the other players cannot see what we are saying..LOL

    Discord, like it or not, is here to say and is becoming a primary means of communication in this, and other games and social organizations.  For those that feel the threads are the only, or best, means of finding, and keeping up with, friends, not true.

    I am a strong believer that the threads serve a purpose and is part of what makes WGT unique and fun, but after all my resistance to discord, and feeling it is not for me, I was wrong.  If you have not at least checked it out, you should. Then you can decide...

    Discord or Discontent?

    Finally, I am hoping that anyone who has questions, complaints, suggestions about discord, post in this thread and the moderators (Nico) can respond here to those replies.


  • pmm711
    5,761 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2022 12:24 PM

    ^^^^ What she said

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2022 12:27 PM

    When I read your, some of the reason's it's not bad.  Sorta makes me believe we will never see WGT fix the problem of showing red, green, and so forth for online, in game, or offline.(like we had in the flash version)  They want us all to use Discord for that function

    I have joined it, never posted on it, have a mic and earphones hooked up, have downloaded and installed the software required to use them, but have never set them up for talking.

  • craigswan
    32,076 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2022 1:05 PM

    Discord speaking .

    Would they understand my scottish accent .

    I don't understand the new yorkers .

  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2022 1:21 PM

    Steff -

    I understand your discussion points, however I believe there are distinct differences with and needs for the two platforms. Discord is a live platform for instant communication and that is a newer type of communication consisting of very limited words, rarely complete sentences, extremely abbreviated with strict limitations on the total number of characters you can use in composing a message. It is basically an entirely new language that uses emoticons, memes, and truncated words to communicate. It’s the same as speaking with someone standing next to you as opposed to remaining silent and passing a tablet with written dialogue back and forth. It’s the old AOL AIM on steroids. You can ask questions and receive answers but you need to remain connected for a continuous dialogue that makes sense. Posting a question on Discord and returning later to find a response can be challenging, although there are prompts that Discord provides to help in locating replies. Participants are sometimes reluctant to jump into a discussion or answer a question for fear of negative or in some cases hostile replies. That’s the reality of this medium and there are moderators who do what they can to lessen those types of interactions. While Discord is good for casual communication it is still not the repository of information like the Forums are. Want to learn something about putt calculations? You can search the forums for that type of information, but you can’t search Discord. You can post a question on Discord and receive answers, but unless you are totally tuned in to what is being said in reply you will probably receive an answer that is less than satisfactory. You can also manage time better within a Forum environment. Post your question now, return later at your convenience to look at the answers. Ask a question in Discord? You need to remain connected if want to receive a complete answer which will probably also involve time spent on additional dialogue back and forth before understanding is realized. So, from my perspective I still see the need for the two platforms - Discord if you want to say “hi”, spend some time socializing, asking a brief question, casual communications; the forums for those items that require more detailed conversation and time for thought (it’s always nice to be able to look back at some written words and take the time to understand what is contained in those words). However, I’m being to believe that only a small segment of people want to maintain written dialogue while a much larger segment prefers to move in the direction of electronic real time communication. Ever try to communicate with your local cable company? Chances are you will encounter automated voice attendants along with an invitation to use the “live” chat feature. If those two don’t work, you’re given the opportunity to send an email and await a response at a future date and time. Voice communications with a live agent? Not so much anymore (unless you’re calling to spend more money). Everything is moving to electronic communication platforms and I guess so is WGT. It would be interesting to learn WGT’s perspective on this topic.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2022 1:43 PM

    As many of you know, WGT has been making a push to transition to Discord. I, like others, have resisted this. I was not real familiar with discord and believe the threads are/were a better form of communication.

    I will be honest and say that I did not read your entire post but I did skim it and saw that you mentioned you did like aspects of Discord after trying it out for a month or so and gave points for and against Discord vs.this Forum.

    I just want to point out that when Discord was first introduced it was specifically not intended as a transition away from this Forum or to replace it.

    Link to the introduction of WGT Discord Server.

    "Does this mean the forums are going away? No not at all, I fully believe that the discord and forums can exist cohesively. Discord is just overall better for real time conversations and relaying information, as well is a much more accepted community based platform compared to forums in today's gaming space." WGTNico

    While I have posted WGTNico's quote, I cannot directly speak for Nico himself. Having just had this same issue come up in my CC I will say that this Forum and Discord, while similar, are two different forms of communication and neither one could make the other obsolete or unnecessary. Each one serves a slightly different function but with the same goal in the end, communication amongst WGT members. They can and should easily be able to co exist without fear that one will drive the other to extinction.


  • craigswan
    32,076 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2022 1:46 PM

    I usually play in the lounge or the wee boy's  room on my laptop .

    Sometimes i am constipated .

    When i have had enough of my better half watching , FBI , Greys anatomy and Gordon Ramsey's cooking school i log in .

    I play with the sound off .

    Could you imagine what would happen if i started speaking out loud . She would kill me for interrupting her viewing .

    And worse still if it was a female i would be out on the street .

    Discord - more like Divorce .

  • WGTNico
    717 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2022 2:06 PM

    This is a great post! 

    I'm also open to responding to anyone's questions/feedback regarding discord in this thread or in my PMs

  • WGTNico
    717 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2022 2:07 PM

    We're working on a new friends UI for in wgt actually. No ETA on release yet

    Sorta makes me believe we will never see WGT fix the problem of showing red, green, and so forth for online, in game, or offline.(like we had in the flash version)  They want us all to use Discord for that function

  • HamdenPro
    2,515 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2022 2:54 PM

    WOW!!! I posted and then went back to work, amazed at the responses and want to respond to many, so, rather than quote, just a few thoughts, in no certain order:

    GARY- I thought the notification lights were a thing of the past. I do see that Nico posted above, they are working on something similar, but no time-line when it will be available. My guess is before the Kilts come back.  It is actually better with Discord, IMO in that, now, I see a friend online, I do not care about the light, I just send DM and say "hey, busy?" and get an instant response, but Nico is here, so he can address that.

    I do want to mention, and it was my mistake in original OP, when I say "chat" I mean typing, like chatting in these forums. However, obviously, many take advantage of voice channels as well. I do not.  You do not need a microphone and speakers to enjoy. I only use my speakers when I want to listen if others are voice chatting while we are playing. During games, I still use the game chat. However, if I want to make a comment that it's not for everyone to hear, I can still send it via discord while playing.

    Marchie - I never said, or thought forums are going away. I believe we need both, there are great benefits to both, and I am sorry I did not express that clear enough. If I did,my OP was too long for you to reach that part. Sorry, drink a Cafe and read more -LOL 

    As for what Nico said,and did not say...I have had discussions with Nico and am aware of his, and WGT's position. Nico was aware that I intended to post what I did. If I said anything out of context, or wrong, Nico, I am sure, will certainly let me know and set me straight. I do see you on discord at times, and know you use both forms of communication, the forums and discord, like me, just in shorter replies.

    PMM - Damn straight!! You nailed it.

    Cicero - Disagree, sorry. What you say is true as to the general chat room, one of my minuses about that. However, chat is not limited to the WGT server. You are in our club server as well, and we are discord friends. We have had chats, where the ability to communicate is unlimited. Not only are we not restricted to grunts and memes, but we also rarely use them, if at all, when we converse. So, no, discord not all memes, it just seems WGT' server's "General" channel is.

    As for why the threads are still important, I agree on all points.


     Craig - first: eww;  Second, do not need to speak out loud to chat on discord. It is no different than typing in a chat box, if you prefer. Now, get some air fresheners.