The whole system is inherently, fundamentally flawed, WGTadmin2. I'm very sorry you can't see this. Punishing victims of quitters along with quitters is egregious. I'm shocked how a monumental blunder like this could have happened.
For your information, I played only one, a 3-hole practice-mode match with Solid1 today, we both finished the match, and my reputation tracking dropped from 80% to 73%. Not that I care: you can drop my reputation to 0% and keep it there forever, if you wish. That's because what you introduced today is no reputation tracking; it's a sad parody of what it was supposed to be.
Please understand I applaud WGT for today's fantastic product update, but the implementation of reputation tracking is an unmitigated disaster.
PS: God bless, Nearlyfreddie. Could you please lend some of your common sense to WGT? It's truly shocking they could have implemented this the way they did.