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Rep rating prob

Thu, Dec 17 2009 1:02 PM (22 replies)
  • nearlyfreddie
    19 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 9:10 AM


    One is not a victim if one is guilty of the same infraction. They quit, you quit.  Cut and dry.  I like it.

    In the meantime, enjoy playing the whole round through! It's a fun game, remember? :)

    If someone bails in two player match, it is no longer multi-player.  By your logic, the rep rating should apply to solo rounds also.  I'm just guessing, but isn't the intent to red flag multiplayer quitters, not to penalize folks who don't like, um.... playing with themselves.  Please regale me with even a smidgen of logic to the contrary.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 9:14 AM

    The whole system is inherently, fundamentally flawed, WGTadmin2. I'm very sorry you can't see this. Punishing victims of quitters along with quitters is egregious. I'm shocked how a monumental blunder like this could have happened.

    For your information, I played only one, a 3-hole practice-mode match with Solid1 today, we both finished the match, and my reputation tracking dropped from 80% to 73%. Not that I care: you can drop my reputation to 0% and keep it there forever, if you wish. That's because what you introduced today is no reputation tracking; it's a sad parody of what it was supposed to be.

    Please understand I applaud WGT for today's fantastic product update, but the implementation of reputation tracking is an unmitigated disaster.

    PS: God bless, Nearlyfreddie. Could you please lend some of your common sense to WGT? It's truly shocking they could have implemented this the way they did.

  • Spacklero
    386 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 9:14 AM

    Will those who have had their reps affected by multi practice rounds have them corrected?

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 9:15 AM

     Please regale me with even a smidgen of logic to the contrary.

    If you jump off the Golden Gate bridge, I most certainly am not going to follow.... just play it out and us it as an opportunity to learn and get better!  Mess around a bit and play from places you don't normally play from.  I know that's how I got to know this game inside out....

    *edit* Please keep in mind gentlemen (and ladies) this is the first day of a new feature, on a beta site, so please be constructive, and patient!

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 9:19 AM

    As was stated, the philosophy is "If you start it, you finish it".  That's as simple logic as could possibly be applied to the "problem" that people were clamoring on about regarding quitting.  No excuses, no exceptions, just a number to represent the end result.  It's an ends-not-means philosophy being applied and it's quite simple.  Finish what you start, or have your # go down.

    Some people don't like finishing the game by themselves, others don't like being forced to play to the end, and others could have cared less about a reputation tracking # to begin with.  We can't all get exactly what we want.  I've been here long enough to tell you that in spades.

    701 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 9:33 AM

    The best way to fix it is make the player who quit finish the round they quit in before they can pull up any other option.Force them to finish the round alone.I have had the power to my house go out and when it came back on I went back to WGT and it automatically asked if I would like to "resume round" or not.Right there the only option should be to resume round,no other option.Once they have completed the +1,2,3 or whatever their score was when they quit they can get back to the main menu with all the options but not until they finish the round they quit on.I do believe the poor sport will finish the bad round with whom they started it with, knowing that they will have to finish it before being allowed to start another game of any type.It may sound mean but something has got to be done.Putting the quitter % isn't enough of a penalty.That will only work if they care about what it looks like to the community.I don't think they do.


  • RUSTY40
    255 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 10:00 AM
    My understanding was that we were trying to identify players who have disconnects that resulted in forfeits. All we needed to see is the # of times or % that a player has disconnected with a resulting forfeit. The reputation tracking started me @ 80 % and after I FINISHED (we both finished-no disconnects) my % went to 73%..Brilliant. As far as the "if you start it,you finish it" theory; it should NOT apply to single rounds.(Ranked or not). And if WE start it and YOU disconnect. I WIN U LOSE..And YOU get the discredit for the disconnect..I should not have to finish a round if my opponent QUITS. The opponent FORFEITED.
  • nearlyfreddie
    19 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 10:27 AM


     Please regale me with even a smidgen of logic to the contrary.

    If you jump off the Golden Gate bridge, I most certainly am not going to follow.... just play it out and us it as an opportunity to learn and get better!  Mess around a bit and play from places you don't normally play from.  I know that's how I got to know this game inside out....

    *edit* Please keep in mind gentlemen (and ladies) this is the first day of a new feature, on a beta site, so please be constructive, and patient!

    Thanks for the advice "coach", but i'm more into the social aspect of the game than "skills and drills".  Regardless, it's called a REPUTATION ranking (and certainly everyone understands the import and intent of the feature).  Currently it besmirches the reputation of a participant who doesn't want to play the balance of an aborted round alone.  Please tell me how that remotely reconciles with a "Reputation Ranking" (sans tangential segue to game improvement tips)

  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 10:28 AM

    I would even introduce the argument that a player FORFEITing a round ACTIVELY (i.e. clicking on FORFEIT - NOT vanishing and Forfeting by default of the 5 minute clock expiring) has in fact "completed" it.   A player who FORFEITs does NOT leave everyone else high and dry in the usual (rude) "Disconnect" manner - but exercises the diligence to (for whatever reason) "resolve" and thus complete the round - even though not played to the end.

    A Forfeit does in fact result in the "stranded" player being awarded the "win" or if applicable, the credits.

    ALSO - given the known technological challenges that occur from time to time - isn't it best to hold off on "Reputation Tracking" UNTIL THERE IS A RECONNECT option for Multi-player stroke play?  Currently there is "no way back" and when i get the dreaded "There has been a problem with the game Please close this window and start over" message (or any other that appears to originate as a WGT Server issue) - SHOULD THERE NOT BE AN OPPORTUNITY TO RECONNECT AND PRESERVE REPUTATION ?

    NOTE:  The thought expressed immediately above is LIMITED in scope to WGT Server issues - addressable by WGT and within their sphere.  I'm NOT opening the can of worms by suggesting ISP disconnects, local machine issues or other reasons outside of WGT's Universe would be plausible to consider.

    Any thoughts on this?

    Thanks, AtlantaCoaster

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 10:41 AM

    Thanks again to Rusty40 and NearlyFreddie for representing common sense in this debate.  

    Atlanta, the question you're asking has been responded to many times before. It would be very easy for WGT to ensure a fair reputation ranking system, instead of this travesty. For unwanted, software-induced disconnections, the player would be given the option to finish the round as a single-player round. And that would be perfectly OK, because, after all, he did get disconnected from a round before other players, abandoning other players on the course. But to impose that same requirement on the lone player who gets ditched by everyone else, is outrageous.