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Unplayable Ball

Thu, Sep 15 2022 1:23 PM (5 replies)
  • bsett0
    11 Posts
    Mon, Sep 12 2022 11:07 AM

    On a few occasions I've hit one of those pesky trees off the tee with the ball coming to rest in a location where it is not possible to hit it back into play without risk of hitting the trees again.

    Why doesn't WGT adhere to the rules of golf which under rule 19 would allow me to declare the ball unplayable? At least give me the option to go back to the tee (with stroke and distance penalty) to hit it again.  
  • ScottHope
    10,574 Posts
    Tue, Sep 13 2022 12:38 AM

    If you can't hit it forwards, try sideways or even backwards.

  • Lesthanpar
    1,502 Posts
    Tue, Sep 13 2022 2:25 AM

    I agree with you, there should be that option to just go back and hit another one with the penalty   but since there is not you are stuck with trying to get it back in play somehow. In real golf you could also take the penalty and take 2 club lengths drop not closer to the hole for an unplayable lie. Why these options are not available is a good question for WGT programmers.  Put that on the wish list, I guess. For this game even when in jail, deep trouble as you describe you may have to punch it or flop sideways or even backwards just to get it back in play as Scott said.

  • bsett0
    11 Posts
    Tue, Sep 13 2022 11:14 AM

    Yeah, most of the time I can find an opening that allows me to punch it back on to the fairway.

     Still can't figure out how the whole tree thing works. Some trees it seems you can go through them  no matter how you hit the ball while others work only with full backspin.

    Don't know what you are supposed to do on the tight driving holes with narrow fairways and strong crosswinds since you can't actually shape your shots like you can in real golf.

    Be nice if the game at least allowed you to move from one side of the tee box to the other. That would at allow you to get a little better angle.

  • Lesthanpar
    1,502 Posts
    Tue, Sep 13 2022 11:21 PM

    Still can't figure out how the whole tree thing works. Some trees it seems you can go through them  no matter how you hit the ball while others work only with full backspin.

    I go with the trees are mostly air theory except on Oly, that does NOT work on Oly lol.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Sep 15 2022 1:23 PM

    On a few occasions I've hit one of those pesky trees off the tee with the ball coming to rest in a location where it is not possible to hit it back into play without risk of hitting the trees again.
    You might try to play right through the tree - they may be permeable. At least one on CCC is.

    Why doesn't WGT adhere to the rules of golf which under rule 19 would allow me to declare the ball unplayable? At least give me the option [...]
    You hit the problem, as the overarching rule in this game is, "Thou Shalt Not Have An Option!"
    (Mulligans being an unexplicable exception)

    I suppose that programming the game would become a lot more complicated if players were allowed to choose
    - where to position the ball on the tee,
    - where to seek relief from water,
    - whether or not to deem a ball unplayable.

    And, in an unescapable situation, you may always exceed the shots for the hole or quit. It's much easier than in real golf.