I'm not sure what's going on, but this week I have had a number of players forfeit against me. Now I'm not a great player (somedays I wouldn't even call myself a good player), but today I've played two 9 hole coin games and both times the player has just given up. This week I must've had about 10 games go the same way. Can anything be done to stop players giving up so easily? Is there any kind of penalty that can be given if your forfeit percentage goes above a certain level?
The only time I forfeit is if the game has glitched and frozen and there's no other option. If you can't handle playing badly or getting beat, then find another game. I've had games where I'm +8 or more and getting my ass kicked, but I still plough on to the bitter end, as it's not fair on my opponent to just give up in a hissy fit and walk away.
Sorry for the rant, but I just find it so annoying and frustrating.