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Fri, Nov 4 2022 1:16 AM (7 replies)
  • Slimjim001
    1,042 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2022 6:58 AM


    It is always difficult to keep the country club troops happy and the morale up. It can be exhausting. I get it but I don’t know of much else that contributes more to sucking the life out of the club than absentee owners and leaders. Regardless of how legitimate their excuse may be for not showing up and mixing it up with their membership, it appears to most that they must not care about the health of their club. Perception is everything. Successful clubs are always born out of the zeal of the owner to build something better than what they’ve known and when that zeal and pride begins to wane, so goes the club. Replacement owners are seldom able to rejuvenate an anemic club. If you wonder if I’m right or not, check out how many dead or dying clubs there are on the WGT country club roster. I would bet serious money that most of them got that way mostly because of absentee owners and leaders. Just saying…

    PS, The owner and leaders of the club I am currently in are always around and available. 



  • callaghan159
    6,308 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2022 10:55 AM

    IMHO a lot of the active players in some of these dead clubs dont and wont notice who plays and who dont because they play by themselves or a very few select close friends. In my past clubs everyone would send friend invite and say lets get a round in but that rarely ever happens for one reason or another, mostly because they never showed on line.....this was in the old flash version.

  • craigswan
    31,527 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2022 12:26 PM

    Totally agree with both of you .

    My cc owner's appearances are waning as are the club's players .

    But what can you do .

    Once you become a tour champ with an average of 55 what is left .

    Ten years is the maximum for most .

  • alosso
    21,052 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2022 11:38 PM

    Owners get disinterested in the game and quit, just like many players do.

    To me, a CC without an active owner is mostly dead.

    Some "oldies" may be posting tournaments, there may be life in the forum, there even may be new members, but two major tasks are fixed to the owner:

    - changing member status from Recruit, thus hopefully giving them allowance to create tournaments, and

    - ending membership of those who quit.

    If there is communication between active members, they may form a new CC. Otherwise, the only way to improve the individual situation is to leave the CC and look for an active one, with an active owner!

  • IamNicklaus
    496 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2022 10:13 AM

    Why would any of you make the assumptions that members of these clubs aren't aware of the lack of club activity and aren't completely happy playing their own way with a free shot and putter pal  ?

  • alosso
    21,052 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2022 1:16 AM

    Why would any of you make the assumptions that members of these clubs aren't aware of the lack of club activity and aren't completely happy playing their own way with a free shot and putter pal  ?

    Some may be happy, of course. Alas, they probably miss out on the joys of CC membership, except for the benefits you named.

    And, of course, any word to change their situation can only be a hint.