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Forfeited games

rated by 0 users
Tue, Nov 8 2022 1:59 PM (5 replies)
  • Geoffo126
    7 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 8:11 AM

    Players who just leave you hanging should be punished,  owner of San City cc (who’s should know better) has just quit leaving me wasting time ! 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 11:47 AM

    I think there's a lot more forfeiting recently.  A possible cause is people trying to get consecutive wins for G+A, if they think they're going to lose a forfeit keeps the run going. 

    But again the owner of your CC has been absent since day one .

    Just stop, he didn't ask about absentee owners and what you say on it is utter nonsense. 

    His owner is a L81 TP, how did he manage that if "You are now in a CC where the owner never even played in WGT"?  or if "But again the owner of your CC has been absent since day one" was true. In fact his owner last played on the 7th Nov, I suspect he plays coin games.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2022 1:59 PM


    I guess he played a little at some point years ago . But has clearly been gone from WGT for a very long time .

    I glanced at the 150 ave and saw the blank page . It takes a very long absence for a page to be that blank .

    BTW DP . What is it you think I should stop ? I am doing no harm . And am sure I am helping in small ways .

    i have edited the above post

    You should stop assuming you know stuff that you don't, and you should listen occasionally.

    First you said he never played, which was daft, but you've deleted that as you don't like to be seen to be wrong.  Now you've said the above, which is also wrong, even although I told you "In fact his owner last played on the 7th Nov, I suspect he plays coin games." 

    Have you played any coin games?  Does the activity from these show on your profile? 

    Other possibilities are he just plays practice rounds or hits one shot, whatever, he has reached L81 and last played yesterday.

    There may well be something odd about how the owner plays but he's not absent, it's nothing to do with forfeits and I don't think I want to go there.  Lol, but I think I've gone off the coin game idea :-)