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Sun, Nov 27 2022 9:53 AM (4 replies)
  • georgeplayer
    14 Posts
    Fri, Nov 11 2022 5:27 AM

    Just a thought...and it might be a silly comment but here goes.

    Why can't the clash be based on a league system. We are a level 6 club..20 members of varying abilities and when you get the big scoring teams..its a no go before you even start. The members think why bother and they're right!

    I don't mind a challenge...but....i wouldn't walk up Everest in my bare feet for a challenge. That's what it feels like. Why not categorise clubs of similar it too hard for the computer buffs?

    Just a thought...anyone think the same?


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Nov 11 2022 1:38 PM

    It's one big competition for one Golden Cal - ehm - putter - you cannot divide it, it would destroy the hype!

    Also, it would require a programming effort = money from the company which only wants to extract monies from it.

    I'm sure that you can be in the ranks with some effort. Imagine what you'd win as #2 - it's not the world more than #112. In a league system, the pay-out would not be more...

  • whitneyangel98
    285 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2022 8:44 AM

    I have written WGT over and over about the unfair matchups in clashes. They insist the programming would be impossible. Really? My little level 9 club with 10 members is consistent matched against level 17 to 19 clubs with many more members.  After the clash Inlook at the leaderboard and wonder why we were never matched against seemingly comparable clubs. Its s joke. 

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2022 10:20 PM

    My little level 9 club with 10 members is consistent matched against level 17 to 19 clubs with many more members. [...] Its s joke. 
    It doen't matter IMHO, as no single Clash result matters - they get lost in history.

    It also doesn't count how many members a CC has - the number of participants is important, and the no. of games they play.

    What counts is the total no. of points amassed during the Event, and that is the only result visible after the fact. If you cannot contend against other CCs in this category, you have to play just for fun.

    Enjoy it!

  • SamSpayed
    5,043 Posts
    Sun, Nov 27 2022 9:53 AM

    I have written WGT over and over about the unfair matchups in clashes. They insist the programming would be impossible.

    The programming is not impossible.  WGT just doesn't have the talent or the inclination to do it.

    Remember, this is a company that openly boasts (using poor grammar) about fixing bugs they created themselves.  If you keep that in mind, it's a little easier to set your expectations a little lower.