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players forfeiting out on first T or hole 3 of 5 times today

Fri, Dec 23 2022 6:54 PM (2 replies)
  • reddawg227
    17 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2022 11:52 AM

    I don't understand why the last few days I have repeated forfeitures at the first T or first hole.3 out of five hit the forfeit button on me just a few minutes ago.

    One player today made a comment of " you must really need those coins huh " and then let her two timeouts run nearly out. Also, more and more I have erratic ball flights and distance as well as putts that are marked downhill but are slower than a radically uphill putt. Is this stuff normal? My game has not improved for months and it seems that when I am having a better day then suddenly my drive is 40 yds short for no reason, or the ball flies 50 yds further than its max distance even with the wind against the ball. Once again I ask, is all this normal? I see people with avg games of somewhere in the 50's while mine has gone from the high 60s and low 70's to the 90s. If I am being harassed then I would like to know what the problem is. I don't see a way that someone could target me other than the employees of the site. I dunno, but most of the fun has been removed from the game for me. 


  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Sat, Dec 10 2022 12:46 PM

    I don't mean this to be destructive critisism, but I just looked at your score history and I don't see any scores in the high 60's (or low-to-mid 30's for 9 holes), and only 3 scores in the mid-to-high 30's, and that is since the beginning of August.  You do have a 66 showing in a Ready-Go on Merion, but that is for 9 holes!  You have a fair few scores in the 100's (or 50+ for 9 holes)!

    This tells me you either aren't reading the information on the screen correctly, or you are selecting the wrong club for shots.  However, if you believe everything is correct (and to be at Tour Master one would think you know what you are doing!), then I would suggest you delete the WGT app and reinstall it to see if that makes any difference.

  • reddawg227
    17 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2022 6:54 PM

    Fair enough if you don't go back far enough. I have not been able to post decent scores in over a year. I held an avg of around 70 for a long time but then very strange things began to happen to the game. Driver that I hit at a 290 avg having the ball fall from the sky with no head wind at 140, balls flying the green by 40 yds longer than the club can hit with a headwind. Putts that just have bazar rolls. Downhill putts slower than steep uphill putts. Putts suddenly diverting from their path as if they struck something in their way. And a lot more. When you realize that the outcome of the game you are playing is controlled by someone else, it tends to take the drive to be a better player away. With this amount of tampering with my game I get frustrated and purposely ring up to max strokes for the hole. When you best effort is scuttled my sources unknown then there is no point in trying for a decent score. It is boredom alone that keeps me playing this game, than and the fact that I have several hundred dollars invested in it as well. I am not alone, there are an increasing amount of players that are complaining about tampering with their game. In addition, the odd cancelation of games by other players at the first Tee is more than a little odd as well. In closing I will say that my best rounds and play were in the " Flash" version of the game, not the current version.