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NEW YEAR / New Pins for 2023

Mon, Sep 11 2023 1:02 PM (12 replies)
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  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Dec 30 2022 10:30 AM

    Ok WGT its time for an upgrade . Instead of continuing to add things we dont want lets try adding things players do want . How about adding new pins to the existing courses . Erin Hills , Chambers Bay , Olympic , Torrey Pines and Royal St. Georges are all in need of some new pins . Some more than others have already been asked for begged for and yes even pleaded for over the years .

    For a long time this request has fallen on deaf ears which makes no sense . If the pins are available then add them to the courses . Want to add something new to the game , try some new pin placements instead of dummy down gimmicks and worthless programming . 


  • tramilleo
    1,909 Posts
    Fri, Dec 30 2022 5:57 PM

    Agree 100%  Lonnie

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Feb 10 2023 7:18 AM

    Since the Winners Circle has a new pin placement for St. Andys then its safe to assume there`s another set of pins available . This is just the garbage that I`m talking about . Why has WGT sat on these pins and wont add them to the game . 

    When it comes to stupid gimmicks and worthless programming the company is all over it . But anything that makes sense and is right then they cant pour pee out of a boot with directions on the heel .

    New pins should be added to the game with every monthly update until all courses have new placements . Enough with the things we as players dont want , give us what we do want . Give us new pins on all courses . 

  • tramilleo
    1,909 Posts
    Fri, Feb 10 2023 12:32 PM

    100 Wgt listen to your customer base

  • Greg91255
    23 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2023 6:01 AM

    I never understood why they haven’t released more pins.  It’s not cutting into their profits.

  • MioKontic
    4,657 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2023 3:27 PM

    Instead of continuing to add things we dont want lets try adding things players do want

    dummy down gimmicks and worthless programming

    This has been said so often in the last few months by so many, referring particularly to the garbage that is G&A, and yet WGT keep insisting that everyone wants it.

    Back in 2011 it was said that PGA tour professional(s) played WGT prior to the US Open at Congressional, because it was the best golf simulator in existence.  I wonder what they would think of the mickey mouse cartoon gimmicks that we have now?  Would they care about G&A's?  Would they enjoy seeing the huge purple pop-up in the top left corner that covers the important wind direction, wind speed, and green speed information?  Would they enjoy all the new ridiculous bells and whistles that can be heard everywhere?

    To any real golfer, knowing that PGA tour professionals play WGT is likely to get far more new customers than adding silly gimmicks like G&A.  Those of us who have been here many years have all said how much better the Flash version was, and if Justin Rose and Graeme McDowell thought the current version is good (without G&A's!), one can only imagine what they would have thought of the Flash version.


    Lonnie - with regards to the Winners Circle pin, that is a CTTH pin, and although the pin is there, there may not be the photography around the hole needed for putting/chipping etc (only WGT would know for sure, but that's not something they would ever tell us).

    Greg (and others) - it's not as simple as just adding new pins.  A lot of photography goes in the putting green.  Many years ago there was a photo somewhere here in the forum which showed the lengths WGT went to to set up pin positions and do all the necessary photography around each pin.  There were cones and many types or markers and markings on the greens so that they knew where they needed to take photographs.  I believe 2 pin positions were done on each course for strokeplay.  CTTH pin positions are a totally different kettle of fish because the same level of photography is not needed around those holes.  That said, a bit of foresight by WGT would have done that so that we could have had a few extra pin positions.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2023 7:26 AM

    Lonnie - with regards to the Winners Circle pin, that is a CTTH pin, and although the pin is there, there may not be the photography around the hole needed for putting/chipping etc (only WGT would know for sure, but that's not something they would ever tell us).

    Actually Mio if you setup a stroke play practice round you will see that the game has 3 different pin settings . Easy Medium and Hard pins can be chosen . I dont know why WGT would have 3 settings and only shoot 2 but put 3 settings . Of course WGTdoes a lot of things that we dont understand. 

    But nonetheless there are still many of the courses that can be updated and are years old. So WGT is still without excuse as to why they continue to ignore the most important feature of the game which is additional pin placements .

  • bugman1492
    13 Posts
    Thu, Mar 30 2023 6:35 PM

    They don't care  only want your money

  • callaghan159
    6,422 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2023 3:39 AM


    They don't care  only want your money

    Well daaaaaaa, they are a business and like any other business they want people to spend money on their business.🤣🤣🤣

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2023 5:39 AM

    Well daaaaaaa, they are a business and like any other business they want people to spend money on their business.

    So true but is it asking too much to give the higher tier players something to spend their money on ?  Instead of the money grab at the lower tiers try putting something in the game that will benefit all of the players .

    Adding new pins to the existing courses will keep the game fresh and generate revenue for the company as well  . There`s no huge selection of clubs for the higher tiered players to select from and most arent going to spend thousands of credits for a sleeve of balls .  But they will spend hours playing the same courses over and over , and buy cheaper balls . 

    If WGT wants to make money then all they have ever had to do , is please their customers . Give the players what they want and watch the money flow . People dont mind spending money , as long as they feel that they are getting their moneys worth .

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