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Game Alerts

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jan 24 2023 10:06 AM (4 replies)
  • okiechuck
    7,715 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2023 1:25 AM

    I would like to see us get a tone of some sort when we are invited to a game rather than sitting watching the screen waiting for the invite. A simple tone or ring a bell or something that tells us we have an invite. Also, when we are invited there is a white flash across the top of the screen. if I click on it I can tell the inviter I am busy or something but, it needs to stay on longer in case I'm in the middle of a shot and can't get to it before it disappears. Not answering when invited is rude IMO and I hate to leave someone hanging waiting for me to answer. Thanks for any consideration


  • ScottHope
    10,610 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 10:06 AM

    You're welcome Paul, cheers.  ; )