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Best Bang For Your Buck Slow Meter Speed Ball

Sun, Feb 12 2023 6:34 PM (11 replies)
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  • Bubsy04
    31 Posts
    Sun, Jan 22 2023 5:15 PM

    I like to play the slow meter speed balls in certain types of matches. I don't buy a lot because of the price of some of the better ones. Lets say a meter speed of 6 or 5 would be best for consideration.


    Thanks in advance,


  • ScottHope
    10,684 Posts
    Tue, Jan 24 2023 10:46 AM
  • Bubsy04
    31 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2023 6:33 AM

    Scott...Thanks for the Pro Shop Tables. Lots of great information .



  • ScottHope
    10,684 Posts
    Wed, Jan 25 2023 1:01 PM

    You're very welcome Greg. Thank you.  ; )

  • Bubsy04
    31 Posts
    Thu, Jan 26 2023 8:32 AM

    That is why I said "Bang For Your Buck".

    You get a slower meter speed with the Callaway, but it isn't that noticeable.

    I would agree that the Bridgestone has more bang for the buck than the cheaper Callaway even though it is more costly.


  • YouLostToALoser
    199 Posts
    Wed, Feb 8 2023 3:14 PM



    That is why I said "Bang For Your Buck".

    You get a slower meter speed with the Callaway, but it isn't that noticeable.

    I would agree that the Bridgestone has more bang for the buck than the cheaper Callaway even though it is more costly.


    No . The Bridgestone has a much slower meter than any of them . With a 6 . The higher the number the slower the meter speed .

    The Bridgestone L52 has a lower durability than most. So in terms of “Bang for your Buck”, that has to be taken into account.

    I find after a short time, I get used to the meter speed, even the free ball eventually. But the 2 balls I think are the best in terms of “Bang for your Buck” are…

    Callaway L33 250cr

    Taylor Made L92 650cr (one I use now)


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