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max level option

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Tue, Feb 21 2023 6:22 PM (13 replies)
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  • jumanjaydazed
    7 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2023 7:16 PM

    There's a minimum level requirement option when playing alternate shot. It would be nice if there was a max option as well for newer players. Tough trying to beat these Legends/Champions who are all maxed out.

  • BobOrr3
    4 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2023 9:04 AM

    Maxed out?  What do you  mean

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,679 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2023 6:33 PM

    Me either, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "maxed out", but... what I can tell you as a piece of advice is do not play legends or champions until you "max out your level" like them. (Whatever it means...)

    Playing against much higher-level players, then complaining about losing is just plain dumb.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2023 6:56 AM

    It's a pretty basic Q that the OP is asking.

    ... but... what I can tell you as a piece of advice is do not play legends or champions until you "max out your level" like them. 
    Playing against much higher-level players, then complaining about losing is just plain dumb.

    Question?, So how does the OP NOT play against higher level players when looking for random players to play against?
    The game setting options do not allow you to set a "MAX" player tier but rather only a 'MIN" player tier.

    The OP doesn't want to play against Legends and Champs that's why he asked this question.
    Their complaint is not necessarily about losing to higher tier players but rather the fact that they are forced to play against them as there is no option to change this.


  • Duphpherer
    477 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2023 7:34 AM


    Maxed out?  What do you  mean

    In that context, I take it to mean maxed apparel and equipment. 


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,679 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2023 11:55 AM

    The OP doesn't want to play against Legends and Champs that's why he asked this question.

    Well... Why do you think he doesn't want to? Because, in his words, it's "tough trying to beat these Legends/Champions who are all maxed out".

    I don't know, marchie, how else you can interpret it.

    But I agree if he was simply saying it'd be more logical if MIN player can be set, so should MAX player.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2023 12:51 PM

    Well... Why do you think he doesn't want to [play against Legends/Champions]?

    Because if he did, the game options are already designed to do exactly that and he wouldn't have needed to make a post at all. All you would need to do is set the MIN player to Legend and you would play against Legend, T.Legend, Champ & T.Champ players.

    There is no way to set up a game to limit the higher players. For example, I'm a Legend and only want to play players who are T. Legend or less ... it cannot be done! You can only choose to play X tier players and up.


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