Would be nice to have on the Home Screen, a notification button of current online visibility status. I'm in between 0 invites, or a flood of them- never remember where my status was at last.
Another helpful status indicator, would be on the Country Club button. If club is in an active Turf War or Clash, just to give a visual reference.(Just change font color?)
Lastly (for now), when loading players in Alt matches, would be helpful to be able to see their Country Club, as higher end CC's usually have higher end players. Since tier and level are generally insignificant, knowing club would be helpful (IMO).
PS One more I forgot- When playing Alt, we can choose what lowest level we want in settings, but why not set highest will accept? I join games, and get booted for being Champion, would rather not get booted, then try to find new game, find same game, get booted, rinse, repeat.....
Maybe do like was in old card games I used to play- host sets up a game, and sets the parameters they want, When players join, they can see the settings and stay or leave. Just a thought