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Fix your game!

Thu, Mar 2 2023 11:30 AM (10 replies)
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  • TKalashnikov
    131 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2023 2:28 PM

    How do you expect us to play fair when your game doesnt alow it? Every few, game breaks and you cant hit or do anything. Iam playing for 10 years and this is happening for 10 years. Fix your *hit or close it or sell it. Its disturbing. When this happens, you loose game. FIX YOUR GAME!!!!

  • Lesthanpar
    1,523 Posts
    Wed, Mar 1 2023 1:49 AM


    How do you expect us to play fair when your game doesnt alow it? Every few, game breaks and you cant hit or do anything. Iam playing for 10 years and this is happening for 10 years. Fix your *hit or close it or sell it. Its disturbing. When this happens, you loose game. FIX YOUR GAME!!!!

    Running smooth for me such as it is. I think some of the problems you are having are on your end... :-)

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,767 Posts
    Wed, Mar 1 2023 2:15 AM

    Iam playing for 10 years and this is happening for 10 years.

    Oops... Posted from a wrong account, buddy!

  • callaghan159
    6,457 Posts
    Wed, Mar 1 2023 4:13 AM


    Iam playing for 10 years and this is happening for 10 years.

    Oops... Posted from a wrong account, buddy!

    I dont know........some people aren't smart and cant do easy math.😂


  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Mar 1 2023 5:14 AM



    Iam playing for 10 years and this is happening for 10 years.

    Oops... Posted from a wrong account, buddy!

    I dont know........some people aren't smart and cant do easy math.😂


    Maybe its like marriage for him, just seems a lot


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,767 Posts
    Wed, Mar 1 2023 6:15 AM

    I dont know........some people aren't smart and cant do easy math.😂


    Maybe its like marriage for him, just seems a lot


  • TKalashnikov
    131 Posts
    Wed, Mar 1 2023 6:48 AM

    Ok, 6 years but from my start(2017)  there is a same problem and iam not the only one. I speak with other players and they have same problem. Screen just freeze and game needs to be reset. Most of the time, problem continues even after reset and thats how you lose all game or tourney. Insteed of 2nd place this time in shotdown I took 13th now you do the math and it has nothing with my marriage so show some respect. No need to be rude.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Mar 2 2023 6:24 AM

    Insteed of 2nd place this time in shotdown I took 13th now you do the math and it has nothing with my marriage so show some respect. No need to be rude.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Mar 2 2023 8:03 AM

    Have you considered that maybe it just wasn't funny.  The showdown bug is alive well and largely ignored.  Nico even said in this forum that they're "not currently working on it".

    So I'm not accused of misquoting this is an exact copy 

    Actively working on it? No we are not, but we've also not given up on trying to fix it. This was is put on hold right now. We don't like the bug either but we're currently at a standstill on it as we're improving the game elsewhere.

    I'd like to know if you guys are still actively working on fixing the Showdown Bogey Glitch that's been happening to people for OVER 3 YEARS... or have your developers and engineers given up up on trying to fix it?
    I'll skip the interpretation.
    He posts his frustration at losing out to a major bug they're not trying to fix, you ignore that and make a joke about his marriage and expect him to find it funny. . You have no idea the state of his marriage.
    What most people do if they really feel they must make that joke is relate it to themselves "a bit like marriage to me.... 
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