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Putt Preview Multiplayer Game

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Thu, Mar 16 2023 3:44 PM (6 replies)
  • CSM111
    124 Posts
    Tue, Mar 14 2023 6:25 PM

    What is the deal with putt preview during Multiplayer games. Just wondering if it is something every player can use or is it a  handicap for some. I used it a few times and actually felt like it was cheating if everyone did not have the  same advantage. 

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Mar 15 2023 9:27 AM

    Not sure about the other modes (Match, Alt, etc) but the Multi Player Stroke play game would need to be in Scored mode rather than Practice to get rid of the putt preview. The problem is that the advantage of practice mode is that you can choose your course conditions where as in Scored mode they are all set at your tiers defaults.

    Kind of a catch 22 situation 😖

    Would be nice if the Putt Preview option could be turned off similar to how you can turn off Apparel

  • CSM111
    124 Posts
    Wed, Mar 15 2023 10:26 AM

    Thanks MarchieB as always you are so helpful to everyone in these Forums.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Mar 15 2023 1:48 PM

    My point was that in Practice mode you can set the course conditions to what you want but that you have to play with Putt Preview, a feature that I'm not a big fan of (at least not in multi player games) and the only way to not play with Putt Preview is to play in Scored mode where you lose the ability to choose your course conditions. When I said advantage I was more referring to it being an advantage to have the ability to set the game conditions to what you want. It wasn't about having an advantage in the game over your opponent.

    As far as I see it Putt Preview should be limited to SOLO Practice rounds and the practice putting greens. It should not be available in any type of multi player head to head game modes. Or at the very least have the option to turn it off. 

    I believe in all the Multi player game modes, when in scored mode everyone plays off the same conditions (tees and green speed included) as it sets it off the highest tiered player in the group. But I could be wrong about that as it's been quite some time since I've played a Alt or Match play round.

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2023 3:44 PM

    I believe in all the Multi player game modes, when in scored mode everyone plays off the same conditions (tees and green speed included) as it sets it off the highest tiered player in the group. But I could be wrong about that as it's been quite some time since I've played a Alt or Match play round.

    That's partially correct.  In multiplayer scored games, each player plays from their own tier-specific tees.  But winds and green speeds are set (for all players) to those of the highest-tiered player in the group.