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Ready-Go - Leaderboard Bug? Regarding "Vanishing" Players- 30% Rate of Attrition

Thu, Dec 31 2009 5:49 PM (31 replies)
  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 9:25 AM

    Thanks Mem....

    Good thoughts.  To the idea of posting the WDs as "WD" on the scorecard - it would be nice to have some sense of "how many scores remain to complete (or withdraw).

    I think I am guilty of entering into the Ready Go with a faulty presumption - that 50 people would enter and 50 people would play fairly quickly (giving some latitude - within a few hours - 3 or 4) to completion.

    Also - since my original post I have thought of another possible angle to the 24 hour thing - albeit probably a rare/unlikely one.  There MIGHT BE some amongst us who prefer to see all the other scores AND THEN (say around hour 20 or 22) start their round, knowing what scores they are up against.  Again - I think that will be rare but it could be one angle to the 24 hour thing.

    Regards, AtlantaCoaster

  • molideha
    213 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 9:35 AM

    regarding : waiting until hour 20 or 22 to start their round after seeing the other scores posted....I for one would never do this...i  don't even look at the leaderboard before playing in a weekly or monthly...I shoot my worst when i try to shoot what someone else shot...i play my game, post my score, then see where i landed on the board.

    would others want to know, sure...just doesn't work for me.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 9:54 AM

    Unfortunately, there are some chronic late-posters out there.  I'm looking over the leaderboards and seeing people posting scores on some of these well after when other people posted their scores, and also seeing many new tournaments coming and going before these people post on the older one they registered for.  What about "Ready-Go" do people not understand?  These are supposed to be quick-in, quick-out tournaments.   Registering to play one and then waiting is contrary to the spirit of the whole thing, and really only holds up everyone getting paid.  If you aren't "Ready"to play, dont "Go" and sign up.  Pretty simple stuff.

    Take note of the people doing this and let them know about it.  I suspect it will be the same group of game players out there holding everyone else up, so it will be pretty obvious who the repeat offenders are.

    Makes me 'almost' glad I can't play in these things. 


    Anyway, to counteract that, perhaps a short timer should be instituted for how long you have to actually play your round after you register, like say 2 hours or something.  If you don't play within that time frame, you're automatically DQ'd.   This would deter the chronic late-poster and keep these things moving along.  Just a thought.

    701 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 10:37 AM

    Hey Atl Coaster,I joined a Ready-Go yesterday evening but forgot that I had cut my game booster off.I made a +2 on the first and lost a ball on no.2 so I withdrew from the thing.I don't know if this interfered with the tourney or not.I assumed  withdrawing was all that was needed on my part.Let me know if just withdrawing is all that needs to be done or if something else is required on the entrant.The tourney I entered was not the one your speaking of but when I read your post I thought I might better check to make sure since the Ready-Go is new to the WGT.I hate to hold up something from lack of knowledge on my part.


  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 10:46 AM

    Of the people who did not post a score there are mainly 2 causes both of which are related to not liking how the round is going.  Once the player decides that they are not going to continue they can either withdraw or just close the window. If they withdraw the system knows they are done and we can all move on.  If they just close the window and come back later, we have to give them the chance to still finish within the 24 hours.  

  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 11:07 AM

    Thanks WGTadmin2.  

    Your reply dispels one of my original questions - that of a potential leaderboard bug.  I am sure on your side of the world you are seeing all 50 "present and accounted for" - which is what I was after.

    Regards, AtlantaCoaster

  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 11:25 AM

    I just "connected" another couple of dots about this "24 Hour / Withdrawing (Vanishing) Players" issue.

    Players who fail to complete OR Withdraw/Forfeit - Well that end of it is not without "Penalty" so to speak - and I think we are seeing the other end of this in some other Forum threads.

    Specifically, there are a few people stating that they Withdrew or Forfeited (or left) ONE Ready Go and NOW are "Locked out of" joining another until their original Tournament is "Complete" (i.e. 24 hours will have to run and since they did not complete, they are temporarily high and dry).

    Now that I begin to put this together, it makes sense - it PREVENTS people from starting one and potentially not liking their scores, opponents, course conditions etc - and essentially "skipping around" to find what they like.  The same principle is why the Leaderboard is not published until the Tournament is FULL (50/50).

    NOW it starts to come into focus and makes better sense.

    Regards, AtlantaCoaster

  • scott13570
    76 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 12:41 PM

    was looking at the game's that have been payed out up to this date stamp. game ID no.. 1010 BPB 18#  player  shot a round of 90 and paid out 50c . moral off my short thread, dont  withdraw.. disconect..  quit you never know. i have myself in the past, but looking at some of the figure's has now opend my eye's a bit more.

    thanxs scott.

    701 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 2:40 PM

    dont  withdraw.. disconect..  quit you never know.

    Thanks for sharing that Scott, if I would of known that I could of closed the window,went turned my game booster back on and then went back to continue I would have.I didn't know until today that that is possible.I sure hated to quit but this Dell I got don't like to run the shot meter with out it.Or I'm just to used to having the game booster helping my computer.


  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 3:53 PM

    Either way...Ready-go and Match Play Challanges are AWESOME; nice added feature, if you would. Brush it up a little and it will be just fine. "almost" glad you can't, hmmmmm - I guess.