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Ready-Go - Leaderboard Bug? Regarding "Vanishing" Players- 30% Rate of Attrition

Thu, Dec 31 2009 5:49 PM (31 replies)
  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 3:50 AM

    Good Morning...

    I really like the new Ready-Go format...but I have a couple of things I have noticed.

    Is there a bug with the leaderboard?  In another thread, WGTAlex (I think - or WGTadmin) stated that the players NOT shown did not play out their rounds.

    I am having trouble believing that in Premium Tournaments, the rate of players signing up and "walking away" from their games - and "sacrificing 100 credits each time -  is as high as it appears to be.

    Here is a sample of the NUMBER OF COMPLETED ROUNDS according to the leaderbard for the first 10 Ready-Go Tourneys in the list - so surely the 24 hours has "run" by the time I write this:

    1006 - 35    1005 - 32   1007 - 36   1008 - 32   1009 - 38   

    1011 - 37    1010 - 33   1012 - 34   1014 - 37   1013 - 36


    A similar pattern continues through later versions of the tournament.

    Is it really the case that this many players are just walking away after Signup?  Statistically, I would certainly expect SOME incidence of this - but I would expect a handful per round - not an enormous percentage like this.  If this is actually the case with people walking away it surprises me BUT it will be a case of "it is what it is".  I am surprised because I would expect a greater degree of diligence (and completion) towards a tournament that a WGT Member has spent credits to play.  But maybe not.

    ALSO - It occurs to me that if a troublemaker with alot of credits to waste chose to, they could effectively "stall" every tournament they sign up for (and then walk away from) for 24 hours.  Is WGT keeping an eye for this form of abuse?  For any players repeatedly abandoning their games?  Just a thought - please consider.

    Final Thought - I will join the chorus of users (from another thread) who advocates a MUCH shorter timeframe than 24 hours.  6, 8, even 12 hours would be FINE...but the "spirit" of the Ready-Go (to ME) means NOW - not later.  IF a person is not READY to GO at the point of signup, they can easily wait until later when they are ready to play - these tournaments are "always open".

    Regards,  AtlantaCoaster



  • seveking
    983 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 4:41 AM
    Yes, I´m also curious about this: it seems like a surprising number of players are willing to walk off having spent 100 credits. In any case, I would like to take the chance to tell WGT that I think this has been a great addition. Fun for all of us, much easier to make credits than it used to be... and a way for WGT to get some credits back too:) Great for everyone!
  • molideha
    213 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 5:10 AM

    changing from 24 to 8 hours is a bit of a double edge sword...careful what you wish it is the super stars can play in only 1 ready-go every 24 hours...i've seen several BPB ready-gos where the winner shot 65 and the game was absent any of the notable big names.

    regarding completion rates, you can't be too surprised...i would think all 50 started, 15 bailed when they lost hope of shooting a respectable score...this is no different than any other format where players will decide to exit a game/tourney.

  • seveking
    983 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 5:24 AM
    Oh, yes, I forgot to say that: I don´t think it should be reduced from 24 to 8 or 12 hours. As Molideha has said, as it stands now, people have a bigger chance of winning money than they would have if the big players were able to play every eight hours.
  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 5:28 AM

    I really like this new ready-go format. If there is going to be a change I don't think it should go less than 12 Hours. I really don't have a problem with waiting 24 hours to play another tournament. You still can play 6 different tournaments in that timeframe (BP 18, Front & Back 9 and KW 18, Front & Back 9). This helps because if someone is really good at 1 specific course then they'll play that course over and over and keep on posting good scores if they were about to play within a couple of hours. Also, I would have to constantly be up against the WGT All Star team. So far I've won 1 and I'm currenlty leading another so I'm going to say that all is good with this new format. Great Job WGT.

  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 5:30 AM

    Thanks seveking and molideha....

    molideha.... If this is the case (people bailing out because they do not think they have a "respectable score") - I have a couple of thoughts on it.

    1.  True - From that perspective you are right.  People simply get frustrated and bail - whether they have paid or not.

    2.  A THOUGHT that some of those in that situation should consider.... I have a Ready-Go  out there right now that I thought I was doing terribly in.  The wind was all crazy and causing me problems.  I played the round through and found that I am in number 8 or 9 position. So the wind has caused alot of people problems in that particular tournament.   (In gentler conditions, I certainly would have been lower ranked).  My point is this - unless a very late starter, a player cannot see "how he is doing" compared to the others.  If a player finishes his round prior to the Tourney filling up with 50, there is not even a leaderboard to look at so you would really have no idea how you are doing.  I think it requires a shift in mentality that some players may simply not be able to attain.  It requires patience and a willingness to shoot through a round that even though it FEELS "un-respectable" - it might well have a far different outcome than even they could predict.

    3.  I am unconcerned about "the notable big names" participating in a Tourney that I am playing in.  I shoot my best game.  That is what I can control.  They shoot theirs.  It's not a big deal to me.  Everyone has different opinions on this, but personally, I can't worry about what other people do I can only worry about what I do.  I personally, am satisfied with the way my own game is improving.

    Thanks for your reply to my  thread!  AtlantaCoaster

  • EllisSpice
    871 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 5:39 AM

    Can I beg for a free version of the Ready-Go for one day? Hell, it doesn't even have to be for that made credits. Share out 100 credits between the top 30 maybe?

  • NASAgolfer
    96 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 6:55 AM

    I have yet to see a completed Ready-Go leaderboard with 50 names on it.

    Those who withdraw from Ready-Go's could be listed on the leaderboard as "WD".

    WGT is already doing it this way on the multi-round tournament leaderboards.

  • ncviz
    527 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 7:01 AM


    Can I beg for a free version of the Ready-Go for one day? Hell, it doesn't even have to be for that made credits. Share out 100 credits between the top 30 maybe?

    I have to take WGT's side on this one. These games are made to shell out credits with a little hard work and time. I really don't think they're asking much from you to front a few dollars to get yourself going.

  • Mem11
    199 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2009 8:57 AM



    Can I beg for a free version of the Ready-Go for one day? Hell, it doesn't even have to be for that made credits. Share out 100 credits between the top 30 maybe?

    I have to take WGT's side on this one. These games are made to shell out credits with a little hard work and time. I really don't think they're asking much from you to front a few dollars to get yourself going.

    The problem for some, like with the original multi round fee based games, is that they are not allowed to participate because of where they live - certain states and certain countries don't allow this type of "gaming".  I'm sure there are many in this situation who would love to participate but can't.  Either that or they're all just real cheap like me.... ;)

    It would be nice, like EllisSpice suggested, to have a free "day" once a week or once a month for a reduced payout.  The bottom line is what makes business sense for WGT and if free ready-go tournaments just won't work, then I wouldn't expect them to be offered.

    Back on topic...  I too found it strange that so many had not posted a score, but it would seem to make some sense that if someone was already like 5 over after 9 and just felt they couldn't get into the top 30 they would quit - 30% does seem a bit high though.  I don't think I would ever drop out, as AlantaCoaster pointed out, you never know until you finish - that 5 over might be better than you thought.   

    I'd like to see WGT take on this and like NASAgolfer's idea of listing the withdrawals as "WD".