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I need Scott Hope!!

Sat, Apr 22 2023 12:50 PM (29 replies)
  • rdam1989
    220 Posts
    Wed, Mar 22 2023 12:02 PM

    Ok, so I have been having this problem for about 4-5 weeks. When playing the game on my Dell Windows 10 desktop PC I get a high CPU usage by the WMI Provider host (WmiPrvSe.exe) at regular intervals. This will last about 45 seconds and will happen again within minutes. 

    I found this article on the microsoft site: 

    I tried running the command prompt as instructed but found nothing.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • ScottHope
    10,684 Posts
    Wed, Mar 22 2023 2:03 PM

    Don't cut your options down by requesting help from one person Rich. There's plenty of people on here who know a great deal more than I do.

    I'm afraid I don't know anything about that process, although I will Google it like you have done to see what I can find out.

  • rdam1989
    220 Posts
    Wed, Mar 22 2023 2:14 PM

    You are right Scott, although in my time reading the forums it more times then not being you that has solved so many problems. I cannot imagine that I am the only one that is experiencing this and somehow I believe it is related to a WGT update.

    Thank you for anything you can find, it is greatly appreciated,



  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Mar 22 2023 3:46 PM


    You are right Scott, although in my time reading the forums it more times then not being you that has solved so many problems. I cannot imagine that I am the only one that is experiencing this and somehow I believe it is related to a WGT update.

    Thank you for anything you can find, it is greatly appreciated,



    Have you looked at error logs?

    To identify which specific process is causing problems with WMI, use the Event Viewer. On Windows 10 or 8, you can right-click the Start button and select “Event Viewer” to open it. On Windows 7, open the Start menu, type “Eventvwr.msc”, and press Enter to launch it.

    In the left pane of the Event Viewer window, navigate to Applications and Service Logs\Microsoft\Windows\WMI-Activity\Operational.

    Scroll through the list and look for recent “Error” events. Click each event and look for the number to the right of “ClientProcessId” in the bottom pane. This tells you the ID number of the process that caused the WMI error.

    There’s a good chance you’ll see several errors here. The errors may be caused by the same process ID number, or you may see multiple different process IDs causing errors. Click each error and see what the ClientProcessId is to find out.

    You can now pin down a process that may be causing problems. First, open a Task Manager window by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Escape or by right-clicking the taskbar and selecting “Task Manager”.

    Click over to the “Details” tab, click the “PID” column to sort running processes by process ID, and locate the process matching the ID number that appeared in the Event Viewer logs.

    For example, here, we’ve seen that the “HPWMISVC.exe” process caused these errors on this particular computer.

    If the process has since closed, you won’t see it in the list here. Also, when a program closes and reopens, it will have a different process ID number. That’s why you need to look for recent events, as the process ID number from older events in your Event Viewer won’t help you find anything.

    With this information in hand, you now know the process that may be causing problems. You can search for its name on the web to find out the software it’s associated with. You can also just right-click the process in the  list and click “Open File Location” to open its location on your system, which may show you the larger software package the program is a part of. You may need to update this software if you use it, or uninstall it if you don’t.

  • rdam1989
    220 Posts
    Wed, Mar 22 2023 7:49 PM

    Thank you Puregro1,

    This is a very detailed and helpful post. I cannot thank you enough. I have completed the process and found many errors, but cannot find the errors that would impact the game. Most of the errors where with my antivirus software that happened when I was away from the computer. I don't understand why there are no errors when this was happening this afternoon, or last night.

    Thank you again and if you have any additional advise please pass it on.


  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Wed, Mar 22 2023 9:56 PM

    It may not be errors that would impact the game, but errors that might impact your computer.

    As an aside, very well written write up PG.

  • ScottHope
    10,684 Posts
    Thu, Mar 23 2023 1:59 AM

    I wonder if the last game update messed things up for you Rich. Maybe that was 4-5 weeks ago, can't quite remember.

    Anyway, you can try reinstalling the last update by renaming the golf folder here...

    C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Topgolf \ WGTLauncher \ golf

    ...then run the game and it should update.

    Once the game has updated you can delete the renamed golf folder. There should be a new golf folder in that directory, don't delete that one.

    It might not change anything but there's no harm in trying.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Mar 23 2023 7:21 AM

    Thank you Puregro1

    As an aside, very well written write up PG.

    Thanks guys, In full disclosure- I did not write that- I copy/pasted from

    Hope you can find the cause, I would follow scotts direction on checking the update and maybe even doing a full uninstall and reinstall. 

    You could also try ending all process that are not critical- this link may help you out there-

  • rdam1989
    220 Posts
    Thu, Mar 23 2023 11:24 AM

    Thank you Scott and PG,

    Scott I will try your recommendation and if that does not work, then I will, as PG suggested try to uninstall and reinstall.

    I will let you know how this works, again I cannot be the only person having this problem.

    Thank you for your time!



  • ScottHope
    10,684 Posts
    Thu, Mar 23 2023 12:05 PM

    You're welcome Rich, cheers.

    If you do need to re-install, I suggest using this method.