Hey everyone,
So I'm seeing some complaints regarding this:
WGTNico: Choice to start tournament immediately or at midnight (with a convenient timer to show when that is)
So I want to better explain the "why" of this decision to add it to the game.
The ability to schedule tournaments ahead of time was actually suggestion in various areas
- Forums
- Discord
- That Country Club doc I did last year
The suggestion often came under as "let us schedule date and time" which if we did it that way would end up there being far too many buttons and toggles. So we simplified it to a single button press that would post the tournament at midnight that night. We're already looking to improve upon this and we're expecting in the next update that will allow users see the tournament as "Starting Soon" in game.
Making tournament creation on the website and in game(which is now all live and working as of yesterday) more seamless with an improved UI is always a great thing to add to any game. We'll also be cleaning up the few very very small and minor bugs that have been discovered in the next update as well.
This is just a continuation of our Country Club Project and there will be more additions/improvements coming in future updates in this area as we work on that as well as adding the final 2 multiplayer modes to mobile/tablet. Skins will be coming first (within the next update or two) and then we'll begin work on Alt-shot