Why do I get this message?
"Error #1126 Your equipment does dont match your tier level for this tournament"
I'm trying to enter a closest to the hole tournament but cant get in.
Anyone help here?
You must have a club or ball that is restricted to a tier higher than the tournament you are trying to enter. If you switch your club for that tournament you should be fine.
The tournament is open to everyone though.
Which tournament is it and can you post a screenshot?
Kiawah Sweeps... and I reported it but im not sure how to do a screen shot.
We will look into this further
Thanks, I did get new balls, but I figured it wouldnt be the problem since it was open to all.
Thanks again
can you play now that you changed out the tour balls and are no longer using them?
I just tryed to do quik play and got the same error if that helps
OK.... I just switched out my balls to the original ones and still cant play even in quick play
Can you try using the basic ball and the starter putter and see if it is still a problem?