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Legends Trolling Amateur Head to Head Room

Sat, Jul 8 2023 5:03 PM (33 replies)
  • SandWedge6
    95 Posts
    Thu, May 4 2023 9:17 PM

    Just curious as to why players with Legend status enter into the Paris Room which has an Amateur level status?

  • HamdenPro
    2,535 Posts
    Sun, May 7 2023 8:23 PM

    Just curious as to why players with Legend status enter into the Paris Room which has an Amateur level status?

    Probably for the same reason a 106 Tour Master would. 

  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Sun, May 7 2023 9:29 PM


    Just curious as to why players with Legend status enter into the Paris Room which has an Amateur level status?

    Probably for the same reason a 106 Tour Master would. 


  • Duphpherer
    490 Posts
    Sun, May 7 2023 10:33 PM

    Seems like every other week, goals sends me to "win a game in Chelsea". I do feel like a bully... until I get beat. lol 

    I'm only L99. ha

  • Duphpherer
    490 Posts
    Sun, May 7 2023 10:34 PM


    Probably for the same reason a 106 Tour Master would. 

    Touche! lol 


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, May 8 2023 3:24 AM


    Just curious as to why players with Legend status enter into the Paris Room which has an Amateur level status?

    Probably for the same reason a 106 Tour Master would. 

    Nah, Legends have to play from the back tees. 

    Since the update he's won 885 coin games, 825 in Paris and 55 in B. Hills, I don't know where the other 6 were (nowhere too expensive with under 500,000 total coin "earnings").

    I don't think it's true that Paris has "an amateur level status" it has an amateur "pack cap".  That just means that the number of apparel items received for winning there is relatively low.  This from apparel megathread  

     Pack CapsYou can check a room's pack cap by clicking the circled "i" information sign in the bottom right of a coin room button and it's a rather bizarre mechanic.. You can only get a "tier" of pack (you can see this stated on top of the pack before tapping to open) as high as your tier but it's also limited by the room's pack cap. It encourages higher tier players to play on the higher bet rooms. These pack tiers influence the amount and quality of the drops. For reference these are the room caps:

    In fact Paris, Chelsea and BH are probably the fairest rooms as everyone plays from their own tees.  If the op was to play where the pack cap was TM he'd be off the same tees as Legends and up. If Legends played where that was the pack cap, they wouldn't, so they need to play in  what people call a TM or TC room. So with the op, one level down, or three tiers up :-0

    The whole idea of these rooms seems to be getting people to gamble, as I'm a grown up and already did I wont complain too much about that (for now), and that includes children.  There is no way people should be pushed to play in more expensive rooms than they want to, whatever their tier and how wgt label the rooms.

    So for me it's fine for the op to play in Paris if that's what he wants to do but absolutely not fine for him to then open a thread castigating others for doing so.  As suggested with more brevity above :-)

  • bossbird
    2,263 Posts
    Mon, May 8 2023 1:15 PM


    Just curious as to why players with Legend status enter into the Paris Room which has an Amateur level status?

    The obvious answer is that it is during a showdown , and that’s the room the majority of players go into ,  even some tour champs ! People play in there because there are still bugs in the showdown and also they may not want to pay 100 credits to enter veteran showdown.

  • BlackBogey
    644 Posts
    Mon, May 8 2023 2:02 PM


    Just curious as to why players with Legend status enter into the Paris Room which has an Amateur level status?

    Simple answer - Because they can.  Until WGT sets upper limits as well as lower limits this will continue to happen.  The same issue exists in the other multiplayer games where you can select a "minimum" level opponent but not a "maximum" level opponent.

    Another answer is because when they have a Goal to knock out that is "Win 4 Consecutive Coin Room Games" or something such, as Duphpherer mentioned.  

    Also as pointed out above, there is no real "status", Also, I believe that is just the minimum level needed to enter those rooms?  (Could be wrong on that one, I don't play too many coin rooms unless to complete a goal). 

    I also agree with Bossbird that it may be during a showdown where someone may not feel that competitive at a higher level.