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Mon, Nov 28 2011 5:25 PM (22 replies)
  • raman0919
    2 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2011 6:29 PM

    I have been a member of WGT since long but i never noticed that it was a rude website also. For example, when i try to play a match play game and click on join a game and after getting an option of a group and i click on 'I'm ready' option and if the host does not want me to join and cancel me then i am told 'YOU HAVE BEEN KICKED FROM THE GAME'. What is this?

    You are insulting me for nothing. I feel too bad for myself for joining WGT as the website is being handled by such immature people. 

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2011 10:51 PM


    the website is not rude, I can assure you. people are rude. but then again, I believe there are many more nice folks here than rude folks. but show me a website with all nice people...

    i am not you had a negative experience, but I can assure you, there are many more positives ones than negative ones.


  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2011 11:01 PM


    I have been a member of WGT since long but i never noticed that it was a rude website also. For example, when i try to play a match play game and click on join a game and after getting an option of a group and i click on 'I'm ready' option and if the host does not want me to join and cancel me then i am told 'YOU HAVE BEEN KICKED FROM THE GAME'. What is this?

    You are insulting me for nothing. I feel too bad for myself for joining WGT as the website is being handled by such immature people. 


    It's not WGT that is kicking you from the game.  When you join a game the host of the match has the option of playing with you or not.  They may not want to play with you because of your tier, average, or even level.  I would suggest playing with friends from your list.  This resolves the issue of not being accepted into someones match.  As for the operators of this site, I have never seen anything "rude" or insulting from the WGT staff.  


  • walterjordan
    134 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2011 11:50 PM

    I think what he might be saying ...isn't there another term that could be used instead of (KICKED) from the game.  It might be insulting to some.

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2011 12:31 AM

    You can also set up games for others to join... you can set them up so only players in your tier or below are invited

  • theShoeman
    139 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2011 3:09 AM


    I think what he might be saying ...isn't there another term that could be used instead of (KICKED) from the game.  It might be insulting to some.


    He is talking about the message itself.

    He wants the message replaced ,,with something nicer.

    It's not the people,,setting up the game.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2011 1:57 PM



    i didn't consider that. i will ask about it.



  • hpurey
    11,509 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2011 3:29 PM

    Wow....of all things to complain about.   To each their own I guess. 


    Could be "booted" from the game like they do you in Yahoo games.  


    What would be a nicer way to say it without insulting someone else?   Can't please everyone.



  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2011 4:04 PM

    "NOT WHAT IM LOOKING FOR SORRY",this could be the message or the person setting the game up could consider setting the tier if thats the issue instead of using the random (open to all) setting, i agree with the OP, but im guessing "YOUVE BEEN KICKED FROM THE GAME" is an American saying, each to their own though.

  • happyfool1
    18 Posts
    Thu, Nov 24 2011 4:09 PM



    I have been a member of WGT since long but i never noticed that it was a rude website also. For example, when i try to play a match play game and click on join a game and after getting an option of a group and i click on 'I'm ready' option and if the host does not want me to join and cancel me then i am told 'YOU HAVE BEEN KICKED FROM THE GAME'. What is this?

    You are insulting me for nothing. I feel too bad for myself for joining WGT as the website is being handled by such immature people. 


    It's not WGT that is kicking you from the game.  When you join a game the host of the match has the option of playing with you or not.  They may not want to play with you because of your tier, average, or even level.  I would suggest playing with friends from your list.  This resolves the issue of not being accepted into someones match.  As for the operators of this site, I have never seen anything "rude" or insulting from the WGT staff.  


    I agree with you on that . This has been a great site and enjoyed every game I have played here. 

    Out of all the time I have played I have only encountered a few idiots and I deleted them and never once complained about them