They basically double your 9 hole score, so if you shot -9 on a par 36 9 that would be 27 and would then be doubled to 54 to go towards your avg. Coin room, Best of 3/5, and non-ranked rounds count towards your XP but scores don't count toward avg. or saturation. (I think I have all that right)
Normal wisdom is to not rush to next tier by playing a bunch of "red tee" tournaments, but instead let it come naturally as you learn your way through. However this advice is generally aimed at lesser tiers, because they will end up getting moved back to longer tees, higher winds, and faster greens before they are actually skilled enough, and possibly aren't a high enough level to acquire the necessary equipment needed to handle all that. In your case as a Legend there is really nothing to "move up to" other than 13 vs 12 greens, so I'm curious why you are in a hurry to tier up by lowering your avg?
You already have most of the best equipment available at your level other than L97 irons, (but you do have L90 which I have and are fantastic if you can handle the meter speed) and possibly 3wd. Also, have you tried dropping the hybrid for a 64* 60 or 50yd wedge and not liked it for some reason? Just curious? Both your L88 hybrid and L90 3 iron go 225yds, and there are a lot of gaps that 64* could fill at the scoring end of the bag, especially when punches are added in.