MisterT99:1) too few courses. It gets too repetitive. Solution: increase the courses. At least a new course every 3-4 months. I am not asking for 1 new course every week and not even every month.
The difference between WGT and other golf games is that WGT uses HD photos for their courses, whereas other golf games use computer graphics. I know which i'd rather play, but if you don't mind computer graphics then there are planty of other golf games you can choose from. And just so you know, it's no easy or cheap task to get courses into WGT; back when WGT started they would take around 300,000 photos around the course, and of those they would use around 30,000. That means someone needs to go through all the photos and decide which ones can/should be used. They then had to do everything else that's required to get a new course into the game. And seeing how bad some of the camera angles were, particularly on Kiawah, I suspect the 300,000 and 30,000 figures are probably even higher now.
With regards to repetitiveness, are you a member of a real golf club? I think in the US more golfers aren't members and just pay to play, but around the rest of the world club membership is much more common. That means you play the same 18 holes day-in-day-out. Back when I started in 2010 we had Kiawah, St Andrews, Bethpage, and Oakmont as the list of full 18-hole courses, with a number of other CTTH courses. If you go back a year before that they had even fewer! Be thankful you have so many here to choose from now!
MisterT99:2) I do not want to play using an Excel spreadsheet all the times
Then don't!
MisterT99:But if you don't then it gets really hard to get the -10 -12 games.
No it doesn't. I don't use spreadsheets, calculators, or any other aids except shotpal, putterpal, and the information stored in my head from years of play, and I can still score -10 or more on a fairly regular basis.
MisterT99:only give 25-30 seconds to shoot,
That I would agree with, far too many players take far too long to play a shot. But I guess it's no different to pros taking 2+ minutes to play a shot (even though they are supposedly only allowed 40 seconds)! I rarely, if ever, take more than 15-20 seconds to play a shot, and most drives I will hit within 7 seconds; I've sat and watched players take the full 45 seconds for a drive when playing showdowns, which is one of the reasons I don't play them any more.
MisterT99:3) Balls paid for are way better than the standard one. Same goes for equipment. I do not like when there is a game and there is such a disparity of equipment. Those games feel fake. Solution. I do not know: WGT people make a living taking money from people. At least make all clubs available to everyone who wants to buy them. It gets to the point that I face someone who is 120 and a tier below mine who has way better clubs than I do. I can buy them, just let me!
Back in the day when we only had cheap WGT balls and clubs that didn't hit very far, the game was much more realistic. But to make money WGT need players to be buying things. This meant bringing out better clubs and balls. When they initially did that there were trade-offs; If you wanted a driver that hit further you sacrificed meter speed or forgiveness. Then they brought out balls to slow down the meter. Later, newer clubs hit further, had slower meter speeds, and better control, bringing scores down to ridiculous levels.
You don't need better clubs to score -12, you just need to learn to play the game. One of the most common club sets used in the early days of WGT was the Ping Rapture set. They had a slower meter than other clubs, so easier to hit the ding. The driver only hit 255yds I think (or maybe it was even just 240yds?), but the best players were still able to score -12 or more. At one time some clubs and balls were both level-specific and tier-specific (because lower tiers didn't need them!), but WGT selfishly realised that making clubs and balls level-specific only meant they could get more sales. But what they did was ruin the game even more than it already was because players soon realised that they could start a new account, and by levelling up quickly but not tiering up they could have the best clubs playing from baby tees. That has been one of the biggest failures of this game, and the fact that WGT don't do anything about it shows their extreme selfishness. By allowing all players to buy any clubs would only increase the amount of multi-accounting and sandbagging to even greater levels than they are now.