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Clash #112 ?

Fri, Sep 29 2023 10:44 AM (3 replies)
  • bossbird
    2,263 Posts
    Fri, Sep 29 2023 9:50 AM

    Why has it been that we have so far played 8 clash matches and 5 are at Pebble beech ? Is it beyond wgt to ensure that courses are better spread out , given the other three were 2 at wolf creek and 1 at PGA , I don’t even know what else is out there ! 

  • wild66
    1,789 Posts
    Fri, Sep 29 2023 10:26 AM

    We have yet to get Wolf Creek-we keep getting Oakmont & Merion.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,844 Posts
    Fri, Sep 29 2023 10:41 AM

    Rd 9 is our second match at Pebble Beach.  My condolences, Lesley.

    We started at Merion, then Pebble, then about 1/2 and 1/2 PGA and Congressional. Oh, and 1 at Wolf Creek in there somewhere.    

    If there are 7 courses again, we're missing 2.  [I see now, from wild66, that one of those is Oakmont.]

  • AlaskanDame
    19,844 Posts
    Fri, Sep 29 2023 10:44 AM


    Why has it been that we have so far played 8 clash matches and 5 are at Pebble beech ? Is it beyond wgt to ensure that courses are better spread out , given the other three were 2 at wolf creek and 1 at PGA , I don’t even know what else is out there ! 

    Oakmont, Congressional, and Merion ---- and maybe one other.