Who will have the last word .
Sun, Nov 24 2024 12:08 PM (1,667 replies)
The Indent on the "F" and "J" Keyboard Keys .
The raised bumps on the "F" and "J" keys on a keyboard serve a specific purpose for touch typists, who don't look at the keyboard when typing or copywriting. The bumps act as tactile reference points, allowing typists to quickly find the 'home row' (the middle row of the keyboard) without looking at the keys, improving speed and accuracy.
The Hole in the Cap of a Bic Pen .
The small hole in the top of a ballpoint pen isn't a design quirk; it's a crucial safety feature. The hole helps regulate air pressure inside the sealed pen, preventing the ink cartridge from exploding if exposed to high temperatures .
The Lines on a Tennis Ball .
Fuzzy green tennis balls wouldn't bounce nearly as well without their signature track lines, typically encompassing the sphere as a white depression. These create turbulent airflow around the ball as it spins, enhancing lift and ensuring that the trajectory of the ball is smoother and more predictable .