SO many stalling issues since the latest update.
I think I've figured it out... DO NOT TAKE ANY GIMMES.... putt everything.
I've noticed it tends to stall after a gimme putt.
Maybe not...but it seems that way. I'll have to keep an eye on it and try to putt everything and see if the game continues to stall.
It's so annoying... I'd love for it to go away lol
No option to putt rather than take gimme.
What and an opponent and I did yesterday was both close wgt and re-open the program (pc) and that allowed us to finish the tie-breaker.
I always see a TRY PUTT option next to GIMME
I've noticed my games stall when someone takes a gimme and another player has yet to finish the hole. If the other player is completing the hole (no one else left to putt) the hole finishes and doesn't stall.
I'm gonna stop playing Paris and start playing Casablanca since gimmes aren't allowed in Casablanca.