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5 course showdown

Mon, Dec 18 2023 11:09 AM (17 replies)
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  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Wed, Nov 22 2023 10:08 AM

    So i know this bug is being discussed in the forums. I'm alerting everybody playing in the showdown that when you take a gimme,the game then gets stuck. I was lucky enough to be able to close the app then re-enter and the game continued each time. My solution was to allow the ctimer that appears when you are offered to either try putt or take gimme,to count down to zero. The gimme is given and the game continues uninterupted. Of course the other solution is to try the putt. WGT something needs to be done about this bug.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,842 Posts
    Wed, Nov 22 2023 11:03 AM

    Yes, same here.  I thought the glitch was only on the last hole, so I took a gimme on hole 2.

    Finally exited and came back.  The other guy took his gimme then, and his worked!  Hmmm….

  • BlackBogey
    643 Posts
    Wed, Nov 22 2023 1:58 PM

    Or, as a Tour Champ and Tour Legend, just play Veteran or Expert brackets where no gimmes are allowed, problem solved!

  • AlaskanDame
    19,842 Posts
    Wed, Nov 22 2023 3:51 PM


    Or, as a Tour Champ and Tour Legend, just play Veteran or Expert brackets where no gimmes are allowed, problem solved!

    The showdown format has not been stable enough… glitch every time, it seems …. for me to waste credits in Vet or expert.

  • pmm711
    5,808 Posts
    Sat, Nov 25 2023 11:52 AM



    Or, as a Tour Champ and Tour Legend, just play Veteran or Expert brackets where no gimmes are allowed, problem solved!

    The showdown format has not been stable enough… glitch every time, it seems …. for me to waste credits in Vet or expert.


    My 5 Course Showdown Elimination Round started to go askew on Holes 7-9 and continued thru Holes 13-15.  


    • I made Eagle on Hole 7 and the game froze and wouldn't recover so I was "awarded" Bogey on Holes 8&9
    • I par 10, birdie 11, and then the player quit and the game froze afterwards and couldn't be recovered.  RESULT: "Awarded" a Bogey on hole 12.
    • Holes 13-15 the game froze after my opponent hit his approach.  The game couldn't be recovered and I was "awarded" 3 Bogeys for those holes.  


    The game instability is ridiculous.  I may have been 10-12 under and advancing to the Final Round easily.  Now I doubt I will advance.



  • bossbird
    2,262 Posts
    Sun, Nov 26 2023 12:46 AM

    This happened to me several times during showdown but it’s an easy fix on an iPad at least. Just close APP and come straight back in and the game is there for you to continue as a saved game .

  • CaptRon48
    190 Posts
    Sun, Nov 26 2023 5:58 AM

    I had the "gimme" bug every time my opponent took gimme and I still needed to finish out Luckily it was simple disconnection and game came back by itself. But I was sweating for sure.

  • WishIcudPutt
    8 Posts
    Sun, Nov 26 2023 9:29 AM

    I had the same problem with players quitting on the first hole. The screen froze and I got 3 bogeys. This happened 3 times over 9 holes! WGT showdowns are getting to be a joke

  • perthinone
    13 Posts
    Sun, Nov 26 2023 6:26 PM

    I've had same in 5 course it's to often ruins the game

  • ryry4321
    45 Posts
    Mon, Nov 27 2023 11:26 AM

    You know it's frustrating is going into the final round today and all the top 10 people are tour champions all over a level 150 and all shot - 15 or better. That's a joke to me and they all have over like 15 first place showdown badges. Anybody that is over a tour legend should be banned from playing the rookie division


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