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Sun, Jun 30 2024 2:14 PM (2,348 replies)
  • Nono0458
    7 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 10:41 AM

    Group 7

    Match 2

    Tie# 1481

    Nono0458 wins 5 & 3 vs Thestylecouncil

    1,246 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 10:43 AM

    ROUND 6º ... MATCH 4


    .11 May

    WUISENRIKE defeated WildCoast in a 18-hole match play game on CONGRESSIONAL C.C..


    A great match full of emotion with steve , but , luck was on my side and I could always stay up on the scoreboard.

    you can see it again on my twitch channel ( WORLD CUP MATCH 6º ROUND... WUISENRIKE VS WILDCOAST - Twitch )

    Vamoooos goolfoooos

  • Leggoman13
    8,318 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 11:21 AM

    Round 6, group 1, match 1

    Bill's Band vs The Bushwackers

    tie#1287  Leggoman13 vs KartiKayan

    Leggoman13 wins 3 up

    It was great meeting Karti and a gentleman on the course and Discord.

    The game was good, although a few mistakes on both sides. 

    Karti was playing good and made some great shots. 

    Thank you for the game and best of luck to you in the rest of the world cup.


  • marvelous523
    2,016 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 12:16 PM

    Group1  Match 1  tie#1285

    JohnnyFinesse wins in a hard fought match against TdotDoba

    thanks for the entertainment gentlemen a fine performance by both of you


  • Tiffany1968
    108 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 12:58 PM

    Group 1 Match 2 tie #1290


    Tiffany1968 vs Simonanna 

    Ended up in a tie , was a good match we just couldn't capitalize , lovely guy and made a new friend :)



  • JCapella
    138 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 1:05 PM

    Group 4 Round 6 Match 4 tie #1408

    DRIESDP vs JCapella

    JCapella wins 1UP

  • Modernist
    12 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 2:04 PM

    Round 6 Group 3 Match 2 Tie 1360

    Ivycaldwell1978 win 2 up over GreggGardiner

  • NiksnR
    30 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 2:50 PM

    Tie #1384 Group 4 Game 8

    NiksnR defeated nicklaus2448 in a 18-hole match play game on CONGRESSIONAL C.C..

  • Richie88881
    33 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 3:41 PM

    Group 7, round 6, match 1, tie # 1473

    Happy1133 wins 5up over PThierry2

  • Richie88881
    33 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2024 3:44 PM

    Group 7, round 6, match 1, tie # 1476

    SmasheerBasher2 wins 5up over hyrus