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Fri, Jul 5 2024 10:00 AM (2,356 replies)
  • Russkoe360
    517 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 9:07 AM

    Plate Bracket   Final 16

    Tie#  2174

    Justripit1  vs  Russkoe360

    Russkoe360 takes the win 5 up with 4 to play

  • MasterHacker74
    93 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 9:15 AM

    Cup Bracket Final 16

    Tie# 2147

    MasterHacker74 defeats Andivo

  • AbbaKovner
    17 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 9:21 AM

    Plate Last 16

    Dudes of Hazzards vs Bills Band

    Tie #2155

    Showstoppa75 defeats cousinzeke1 on the 21st hole

    great match, guys! 

  • amateur4sure
    2,210 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 9:28 AM


    Plate Last 16

    Dudes of Hazzards vs Bills Band

    Tie #2155

    Showstoppa75 defeats cousinzeke1 on the 21st hole

    great match, guys! 

    A gang of us had the pleasure of watching this game, One of the best We have seen, It had everything in it, Both had a putt to win, It was anybody`s game, Top Class Guys!!

  • Dainja
    14 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 9:38 AM

    Plate Bracket

    Last 16

    Tie # 2193


    Nerve60 wins over IRISHFAN 4up


    Beyond the Green Onion vs S&S Stripes

  • gtorrealba
    55 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 9:49 AM

    Plate Last 16

    Tie# 2154  Dudes of Hazzards gtorrealba defeated Bills Band Beeners58. 

    Very well played match - lots of fun. 

  • Bowl64
    3,095 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 10:41 AM


    Last 16

    Tie 2223

    jcbawls22 - Bowl64

    Bowl64 wins 5/4


    Thanks for the game :)



  • pacofox
    2,260 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 11:36 AM

    Plate last 16  Match #7 Tie 2213

    Takurcashnow vs emavres

    emavres won the match 5&3

    Win for B&F Blood Knights




  • MattSutherland
    143 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 12:01 PM

    Cup Bracket / Last 16 / Match #4 / Tie #2114

    DBStronghold defeats Scooterdrivers 3&2

  • OptionSnipa
    706 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 12:05 PM

    Cup last 16  Match 4 tie #2112  

    Tored111 Vs MattSutherland 

    Tored111 Wins !! 

    Great Game Matt !! Thanx for the round !!