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WGT Nico's thoughts on 2023

Tue, Sep 24 2024 8:38 AM (23 replies)
  • WGTNico
    738 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2023 4:32 PM

    Hey everyone,

    Now that we're getting closer to 2024, I wanna reflect back to 2023 a bit and talk about how I felt WGT did in 2023. I gotta start off by saying that this post is purely my opinion on how WGT went in 2023. Doing a sort of look back is something I always like doing anyways and figured I would share it with you all. This is the second time I've done this and you can reference last years if you would like here

    I think there was a lot of good things we did in game this year, but overall I wish we could have done more. This often felt like the year of UI changes/updates to country club stuff which I know doesn't feel like the most impactful thing to the game as a whole.


    • All modes of play are now available on mobile
      • This has been THE most requested thing to be added to WGT and is also a pretty big technical/engineering accomplishment being one of the handful of games to have successful crossplay between mobile and pc
    • New pins on Chambers
    • Expect more than one set of pins in 2024
    • I think there's been a major improvement in the chain of communication internally these past few months and I'm confident this will help improve the game in 2024


    • RevU - Always good to add another offer wall 
    • Gifting apparel
    • Country Club Goals
    • New Country Club UI
    • New FTE - too often in the data we would see new players drop the game after the tutorial and it was worth taking the time and resources to improve that


    • Issues in tournament setup for 2 of the 4 USGA tournaments this year
    • Matchmaking in Bellagio (and other coin rooms) bug 
    • Lack of sponsored esports tournaments including the cancellation/pause of Live Series
    • Not being as clear at times with what we're working on and what our priorities are and why those are our priorities in game - This is a followup from last years, while I think I've improved slightly I still feel like I need to do better in this
    • Too many large scale issues/bugs after downtimes/updates
    • Miscellaneous bugs 


    • This
    • The state of the gaming/esports industry has been incredibly difficult and layoffs in gaming have been unfortunately all too commonplace with an estimated 10k people laid off around gaming this year alone

    Miscellaneous thoughts/statements

    • We did plenty of good to great things this year, but overall there was very little things actually impacting gameplay which is something I personally really wished we had touched upon more instead of doing SO many UI things. While these additions are yes important/necessary to do for the long-term health on the game it feels like they largely took over most the year (CC UI, goals, FTE, etc.) 
    • I got to meet mostly everyone in person back in July for a few days as well got together in San Francisco and it was a really cool experience with me and a good number of the studio being remote. As much as I love working remote (and need to continue that being the case) it was cool to see everyone at the studio in person
    • I'm doing a lot more on our socials now and into 2024 so I've been trying to balance handling everything I do within the community while also finding time come up with ideas for our social media. I have some ideas on how to improve those in 2024 

    I wouldn't be surprised if I'm missing things that should fall under any of these categories, so feel free to comment on your thoughts on how we did in 2023. I also wouldn't be surprised if I add to that as more things come to mind throughout this week

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2023 4:56 PM

    I started playing this game back in 2017 and thoroughly enjoy it even to this day. I like playing in our club tournaments and a few H2H tournaments our cub puts on from time to time. I think the WGT personal do a good job trying to get everyone’s system working the way it should even though there are thousands of different phone, tablets, and computers configurations out there from all over the world.


    The biggest problem I see most people post on some non-official FB pages is for the showdowns. I don’t play in them but I hear a lot of folks say that if your opponent forfeits in the game then it will give you 3 bogeys regardless of what your score is. Maybe WGT can work on that in 2024.


    Anyway, I really enjoy playing this game and will continue to do so.


    Have a great day and Merry Christmas to WGT and the WGT community.



  • Imahacker58
    375 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2023 5:51 PM

    I’m sure most players would appreciate a new course, although we understand the logistical and financial aspects affecting WGT in bringing this to fruition. The coin room spinning and glitching is frustrating and though it might not affect the “elite” players who openly mock coin room players on your discord channel those players provide WGT with a steady stream of ball and pass purchases which if WGT is serious about income should be a priority to fix, not some airy fairy tournament that caters to the less than 1% who consider themselves the aforementioned elite. Clash prize structure is still a sore point with many players, mainly that 4th to 100th get exactly the same prize, and maybe dropping the club goals and incentivizing Clashes with a competitive prize structure would make them more appealing.

    Showdowns have their well known problems but the introduction of Showdown Royale is a positive. Would be better in many player’s opinions if they weren’t played in coin rooms,lol. Anyway, seeya next year Nico, 

  • jacktrade51
    11,257 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2023 6:56 PM

    the showdowns. I don’t play in them but I hear a lot of folks say that if your opponent forfeits in the game then it will give you 3 bogeys regardless of what your score is.

    Dave is a little off here (but he said he didn't play SD's).  If the opponent forfeits in a Showdown, the other player has to play it out to finish and I have always gotten the opportunity.

    The real problem is when we get the constant spinning which delays the game, usually at the start but also during the game, and sometimes causes a double forfeit.  It is a problem  in most formats, but it is especially annoying in the tightly time-controlled coin games.

    I also suspect some unethical members know how create the spinning, hoping to wait the honest players out, to avoid a loss.  That needs to be fixed.

    This would be my top fix for 2024. Keep the game moving.

    Other wishes:  1. New course.  I caught the Nico's comments about another set of tees.  Presumably Torrey or PGN.  Great, but new course also.

    2.  Either bring back uneven lies or just tell us that is dead.  I get asked about it in my club.

    Finally, I very much appreciate WGTNico's responsiveness and I believe he is doing a great job.



  • sesky
    3,754 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2023 2:42 AM

    2.  Either bring back uneven lies or just tell us that is dead.  I get asked about it in my club.

    Hi Tom. I had asked Nico about Uneven Lies earlier this year. This was his response:

    ** Regarding your message about Uneven Lies that just came in, I will just be responding in this one since I already have it pulled up. UEL is a mode that did not have enough interest or players playing the mode while it was available in flash so it is highly unlikely we would be bringing the mode back. **

    Dave, I was really hoping at some point they were going to bring UEL's back as it made the game a little more interesting. 


  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2023 6:42 AM


    Dave is a little off here (but he said he didn't play SD's).  If the opponent forfeits in a Showdown, the other player has to play it out to finish and I have always gotten the opportunity.

    Problem is, not all players get the opportunity to play it out, as you stated.  Some are not given the choice they just get 3 bogeys.  Granted I personally have not played in a showdown in a while, just for that reason, as I have had it happen to me and until WGT states that it has been fixed, for that reason alone, I will not play another.

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2023 6:42 AM

    deleted duplicate post

  • SamSpayed
    5,066 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2023 8:11 AM



    • All modes of play are now available on mobile
      • This has been THE most requested thing to be added to WGT and is also a pretty big technical/engineering accomplishment being one of the handful of games to have successful crossplay between mobile and pc

    Cross-platform play between mobile and PC was huge.  Thank you for all your hard work in bringing this to fruition 🥂

  • protonc
    652 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2023 3:28 PM

    @Wgtnico , thank you sir for all you do!  Here’s to 2024!

  • HamdenPro
    2,535 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2023 7:05 PM

    I think there was a lot of good things we did in game this year

    Yes, there were many good things WGT did this past year. I think there has been a great improvement, or maybe just seems that way because of more communication with us, the members, since you came along.

    You take a lot of ribbing in these threads, and on Discord, but overall, I think most appreciate what you bring to the table and the improvements by WGT have been noticeable. Nonetheless, there is always room for more and, I imagine, topping the list for many are:

    1) The bogey glitch!! (although, this past showdown, I have not seen anyone complain yet and I have 3 that forfeited on me and no glitch);

    2) As always, and my favorite "when is the new course coming out?" LOL

    3) Some big tournaments exclusively for lower tiers (for tiers lower than TM);

    4)  Hoperman sweater and bunny shoes in Pro-Shop (cape would be nice) as well as a "zorro" mask;

    5)  Golden putter for HamdenPro (she deserves it, just ask her);

    6).  More pin positions on existing courses; and

    7)  Separate "flights" in clash. It is really a waste of time for many clubs to even bother when the same clubs, over and over, win the top spots. It would be nice to see some of the smaller clubs be able to compete and not just waste their time, ball hits and passes when, if they are lucky, the best they can do is 250-500th place.

    I have 217 more ideas, but rather than list them all here, I will send one to you, via discord, each day.