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Sd bs

Tue, Feb 13 2024 4:39 PM (3 replies)
  • spa75
    363 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 3:09 PM

    I was hoping some could explain to me why when the showdown is on nothing makes any sense.

    I was just playing in the Sd  and I was using wind charts and a calculator but not a single shot went where it should of.  I finished plus 1 which is absolutely ridiculous.  I had shots with a 20 plus mph head winds  which had no affect on the ball resulting in me going well past hole, BS and vice versa  more BS  tail wind  same thing  adjust power down  fir wind then land well short, Grrrrr.   However when it a side wind oh yeah that works go figure. It not just me alot of my opposition have said the same thing  that its all messed up.   Its like playing a completely different game and its really starting to stress me out , ive been playing game for over 12 years  and I've never known it to be this bad . ,  obviously nobody need to explain  anything to me , I know its just another money grabbing scheme,   I just wish it would be fixed to get some consistency to the game.  The only thing that is consistent  is the constant inconsistencies.   PLEASE fix it..😡😡😡🤬😡😡

  • ryry4321
    45 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 4:12 PM

    Curious how it is a money grabbing scheme? It doesn't cost money to play, you can easily get 10 credits to enter watching 5 videos. Me personally I don't see anything much different though I've been playing a little over a year. Some shots seem off here and there but nothing is perfect, not even how we play... Also you only have Limited amount of time, you are probably rushing and thinking you are doing things right but you may not be. 🤷🏻‍♂️  Me personally I don't use any calculator or wind sheets to help me play though. It's a form of cheating in my opinion because if you are very smart, you won't miss and makes the game ridiculously easier and a lot of the top players won't be shooting -18 + every game without it.  Again, my opinion. 

  • dragonmouse
    26 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 4:29 PM

    It is not just you.  Sadly since I confirmed it for my own self 2 or 3 showdowns ago, it has also become that way in simple htoh games. One in particular comes to mind, lost ball playing a 12-14 head on wind, drop a level on club to what shows as 6 under the advertised distance, hit it 85% and travel is still 25 yds beyond the pin.  next hole same wind, use club for that distance, no bs and still 40ish yards short. 

     I make no bones about my skill, mediocre at best and can't putt much at all but even with poor skills the actual results are sometimes directly opposite of what should have been. The kicker?  Beat the 105 legend I was playing as his shots were off far worse shot for shot than my own. We matched up as friends and discussed it briefly while playing and both have had similar results for weeks now. 

     For those tourney guys who look at my stats and find excuses there for the poor game play, I no longer believe you.  To much evidence to the contrary to be anything save poor game mechanics for a computer game.  I don't want perfection nor do I expect to change things to win, what I do want however is consistency between what is displayed and what happens when the shot is taken. That is no longer the case as many of us know. Oh well back to the time waster that is game play. 













  • spa75
    363 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 4:39 PM

    I dont normally use  charts and calculations  but my mental maths is not fast enough in coin games. And as for it being cheating does that mean that when a mechanic uses a manual  or when a foot ball coach uses a play book  is that also cheating.  I  dont call it cheating I call it getting help just MY opinion. 🍀✌