BlackBogey: I'd say you are extremely far from invincible. In fact I'd be surprised if you weren't getting your butt handed to you by Masters and TMs on a more or less regular basis with those stats.
Jay, I think Chad understands that he's not the best player. But I think his point is not that he's losing to TMs... it's the disrespect they're showing him when they beat him - presumably in chat.
I think he has a good point. There's no need for anyone to be rude to other players, even if you beat one who's at a higher tier.
Understood. And looking back I see it came off as more an attack on Chad than a good reply to his concern, which I apologize for Chad.
As to the players being rude or making off-color comments in the game chat, I mean I think most reasonable people would agree that is uncalled for. But it is what it is, and you just have to be thick-skinned and learn to either brush it off, or as I do use it as motivation to beat them (provided it happens early in the match and continues).
Just this morning in Shanghai I had someone calling me quite a few choice words for my pace of play. You've played with me a few times and I think would agree I'm not a slow play problem. In the end I just ignored it, slowed down my routine a little more than normal (purposely just to piss him off even more), then beat him in the end.