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Sat, Dec 26 2009 1:43 PM (20 replies)
  • Viper31
    26 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 10:03 PM

    Just wanted to wish everyone here at WGT a merry x-mas and a happy new year

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 10:44 PM

    To you also, all the best for the holidays

  • acca
    78 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2009 4:47 AM
    merry christmas from downunder , hope you all have a safe new year , its been a pleausre to play wgt in 09 , thank you for your hard work ...
  • swdeva
    238 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2009 7:16 AM

    Hi WGT,

    Wishing everyone at WGT Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year, and thanks for this very cool golf game.


  • TheWombat
    23 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2009 1:03 PM
    Thank you for your Email WGT for wishing me Happy Holidays but I'd have much sooner you wished me A Merry Christmas. I noticed Google also wished me 'Happy Holidays' as well... it was then I realised both you and Google were being politically correct and both of you did this so as not to risk offending anyone. Well I'm sorry - but you both have. Christmas is a religious festival for Christians... it is the very reason we have the holiday... yet you and Google are virtually denying it's existance. The terminology was, is and always will be, Merry Christmas no matter how politically correct you try to be. A phrase that expresses goodwill to all no matter what religion they follow. After all, if a Muslim expressed, "Allah be with you", I'd take that as a compliment. So when Easter comes around and next Christmas - can't you call a spade a spade and express the correct greetings? By the way... Merry Christmas.
  • Middle4man
    368 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2009 1:42 PM

    Hello to my WGT brethren and sisters,

       Before time gets away from me, I too want to wish a very Merry Christmas to you and yours, and I too want to emphasize there's a reason it's called Merry CHRISTmas. The name is everything. And may the New Year bring its best to you all.

  • TallAcePaul
    1,455 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2009 2:19 PM

    Have a fantastic Christmas and great New Year everybody. You are all mad and that's why I feel at home here.

    Play soon

    701 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2009 2:48 PM

    Christmas is a religious festival for Christians.

    Thats exactly right.Why do people that don't believe Christ Is King even bother with the slap in the face to Christians response to our holiday with a greeting like happy holidays.How did it become they're holiday at all? Why is this a "happy" time of year for them? They do not participate in recognizing it as being the "Birth Of Christ",it is offensive for them to get involved with the Christmas Holidays with the sole intention of telling us what we should say or not to say is what they're really wanting to do.I've never heard the Christian community try to tell anyone that they do not have the right to say "Happy Holidays" say what you like but don't say it is offensive for a 85%  Christian nation to recognize the birth of Christ.One Nation Under God is in our constitution and if that is offensive, why stay here at all? Ya'll must not like being protected by our Military that prays to Jesus before they go to battle?



  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2009 3:46 PM

    Happy Festivus to all!  =)

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2009 7:15 PM

    The celebration! Merry Christmas!