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Low server population?

Wed, Jun 12 2024 1:31 PM (3 replies)
  • Trump1985
    9 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2024 2:47 PM

    Anyone else finding that it went from being 5,000 people in chelsea, and 500+ in Rio, 150+ in Tokyo..

    Now it's down to like couple hundred in Chelsea, maybe 50 in Rio and 15 in Tokyo.. 

    Forget Manhattan and up right now because there's really no one

    My favorite would be Manhattan but can't ever get a round there, sometimes bellagio is like 50 players but that's too high for me and those guys all use PC not phone with 4g connection, and who knows what else they do because in pc.. Yah


    Anyone else seeing this problem lately like a complete nose dive in population, at least in head to head game rooms

    I would love to see Manhattan, and Tokyo come back to life, it's been a whole year since I've been able to play those consistently, sometimes Tokyo was good until this latest update where the rooms all have these different looking pictures now


    Someone please chime in because really, I hope it doesn't become completely under populated

    Is there a competing game throwing us off?

    I used to play shot online but this game is farrrrrr better, what could be better then wgt?

    No way these numbers should be this low


    Me being throttled?

  • BlackBogey
    644 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2024 6:09 AM

    Me personally, I put very little weight in what those numbers say.  I mean just take into account that it's ALWAYS an even number....that just tells me that it's not a number based on how many people are actually in the room actively looking for a match.  Maybe it represents how many actual live matches are currently in progress, but I don't think even that explanation is 100% correct.

    I mean I don't notice the numbers jumping exponentially in Casablanca or Paris during a Showdown, when you would expect to see those rooms flooded with SD participants.  Now it does seem you can actually match faster in those rooms during a SD, so that would suggest more active players searching for a match, but the published numbers really don't show that.

    I just think it goes up and down based on time of day, other events running concurrently (SD or Turf War), and who knows what all else.  If several of the larger country clubs (200+ members) happen to have a TW going on at the same time, it would make sense there would be more people looking for matches, particularly in the higher end rooms, but I'm sure that the published numbers actually bear that out 🤷‍♂️

  • AlaskanDame
    19,844 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2024 9:37 PM

     who knows what all else “

    One of the other factors can be when a club goal for a large club is “20 wins in Montréal [or other] room.”  That room will then attract that club’s better players and take them from where they usually play (Bellagio, Tokyo?)

  • BlackBogey
    644 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2024 1:31 PM


     who knows what all else “

    One of the other factors can be when a club goal for a large club is “20 wins in Montréal [or other] room.”  That room will then attract that club’s better players and take them from where they usually play (Bellagio, Tokyo?)

    Spot on AD!  I totally forgot about the Club Goals.  Our club is not big into Clash/TW so I don't usually look at those too often, but you are 💯correct.