There’s different ways to go, but as soon you start playing with quality balls that you’ll stick with, it’ll be good to map different spins%.
Basically you need to map 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% spins to adapt to any approaches situations. Some are mapping less and others, like me, are using some more like I also have the 45% and the 60% spins that I find very useful too. Be careful with the 75% & 100% spins, if you have an uphill slope after the hole, chances are that it’ll generates some amount of back spin.
But my best advice on this topic is DON”T EVER USE the up & down clicks arrow's beside the ball to place your green dot at the spin%, the clicks are very imprecise. Instead, use the ball dimples to spot the spins you’ll going to use. That is the best way to get the correct spin% at each shot.