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**** WHY ?

Fri, Jun 21 2024 1:04 AM (19 replies)
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  • kipdog87
    2,056 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2024 2:57 AM

    Hi all, Could someone please try and explain when ever i use my name Mick when chatting, wgt has decided that my name has been classed as inappropriate. I can only think that the USA Pc brigade must have ruled out. I am from England and i have never had a problem.

    Thank you

    **** ( lol )

  • ScottHope
    10,211 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2024 3:14 AM

    Apparently in New Zealand it's slang for a woman's private parts.

  • craigswan
    31,222 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2024 3:20 AM
    Derogatory word for Irish people..
  • mrmp1
    550 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2024 3:54 AM

    But it is the man's name, nothing offensive about it I play  at least one round per day with  my friend DICK I type in nice round DICK AND I GET BOOTED I am a one finger typist and it takes me a bit to type even this post I vote to go back the way it was before the sensitive ones started complaining about READING  a word Now if its directed at you thats another story but i am sure those are few and far between report them WGT needs to handle it THIS TOOK ME ABOUT 20 MINUTES 


  • kipdog87
    2,056 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2024 4:22 AM

    Thank you Mel, glad that we do not all have to let " others " to do the thinking for us.

    Mick ( The English )

  • ScottHope
    10,211 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2024 4:25 AM

    Perhaps 'Rich' would be a good alternative, Mel.

  • kipdog87
    2,056 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2024 4:31 AM

    [quote ]Derogatory word for Irish people..

    I am sure that most Irish have been called a lot worst and that they would not have a problem, if they do i am sorry but i am not calling anyone a name, just using the shorter version of Michael, which my mum & dad gave me, So i find it more insulting that i am not allowed to use my own name.



  • kipdog87
    2,056 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2024 4:48 AM

    Well that is a new one on me, Maybe wgt need to compile a list or book of derogatory terms. That should take some time and it would also be interesting if we all felt the same.

    All joking apart if we continue the follow the Pc path of righteousness, when will "chat " be  banned.

    Mick ( The English )

  • rmpor
    71 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2024 12:12 PM


    Hi all, Could someone please try and explain when ever i use my name Mick when chatting, wgt has decided that my name has been classed as inappropriate. I can only think that the USA Pc brigade must have ruled out. I am from England and i have never had a problem.

    Thank you

    **** ( lol )

    Mick but in the forum they allow it (lol) in the chat try putting a space between the M and the ick (M ick) some times that will not trip the sensors.


  • ScottHope
    10,211 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2024 12:59 PM

    This is all getting beyond ridiculous. I was watching an episode of 'Rip Off Britain' the other day, which featured a lady having problems creating an online account with some corporation or other, because her surname, McManus, kept getting rejected by the computer system because of an unacceptable word.

    God help anyone who lives in Sc**thorpe!

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