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Changing driver distances

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jun 26 2024 5:33 AM (4 replies)
  • Zombielike
    9 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2024 9:48 PM

    First post here. I played several rounds today with the same exact active apparel, but my displayed driver distance changed multiple times. My 280 yd. driver bumps up to 296 with the SE hat, but today it displayed 300 in one game and 284 in another. My 3 wood displayed distance changed also. Very strange. Has anyone else had this happen?

  • BlackBogey
    644 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2024 1:31 PM

    Club distance is influenced by many things - spin applied, wind strength/direction, the slope you land on, the firmness of the course (St Andrews is very firm and rolls well if you hit the right slope, others not so much), overall elevation change (a drive hit severely uphill will generally have less carry but more roll, while the opposite is true for severe downhill elevation changes), and the ball you use just to name a few factors.

    Also some game types do not allow apparel bonuses, so depending on what you were playing maybe your "boost" was active one game and not the next? 

    I would say 284-300yds for a 280yd driver is right about what I'd expect, sometimes even in the 270s if you were hitting into a strong headwind or more if you were hitting downhill with a good tailwind. 

  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2024 4:51 PM

    BlackBogey - I think you may have misunderstood the OP.  There are occasions when the specified distance of the driver and 3w changes in certain situations, and it only happens with apparel on.  For instance, my driver gives a distance of 312yds when I have the SE hat on.  But very occasionally it has shown less distance.  I can't remember the reason or when it happens, but I'm sure I've read that this is a WGT error (surprise surprise!) and it will go the distance it is meant to go and not the lesser displayed distance.

  • callaghan159
    6,457 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2024 12:39 AM

    I'm sure I've read that this is a WGT error (surprise surprise!) and it will go the distance it is meant to go and not the lesser displayed distance.

    Just a display error I would say as I have the same thing happening to me...shows different distances.

  • MattyNic0
    45 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2024 5:33 AM

    Depends what game you're playing.  Most tournaments will not carry over your apparel boosts.