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Why do they always put me against Legends and Masters in tornaments

Wed, Dec 4 2024 12:18 AM (1 replies)
  • bjstopford
    1 Posts
    Thu, Nov 28 2024 4:57 PM

    I like playing this game. I dont like losing all the time. I get frustrated and quit the game because im 2 strokes down and playing a legend and know there is no way i would ever make those up. I almost just want to quit the whole gam3 because of it. Is it computer enerated, is there a waynto.fix it???

  • tnivka
    146 Posts
    Wed, Dec 4 2024 12:18 AM

    If I could offer you some encouragement: Steal!

    1) I am rarely the sharpest marble in the toolbox. If I'm playing against higher ranked guys, they're hitting shot I might not have thought of...and sometimes *I'm* the one with the expensive gear.

    2) I could be wrong, but it seems if I have an ok round against a much higher ranked player, my average drops faster than if I were to be playing with da boyz. So I'm stealing average points by being "enhancement talent."

    3) Create your own games. You can boot guys waaay over your head.

    4) It's fair to say I've lost more than 3.000 games. Sometimes when you're going down in flames, it's fun to enjoy the pretty colors. Maybe there are other ways to have fun while not winning most of the time.