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Update broke WGT on Mac Start up screen flickers and game never starts on full screen

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 20 2024 6:42 AM (0 replies)
  • MrZinsmeister
    6 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2024 6:42 AM

    Update broke WGT on Mac Start up screen flickers and game never starts on full screen.  

    1. Please email me and let me know when there is an update fix for this because I tried to reinstall and that got the same result and I tried to hold the Control key that I read about and that never worked either so I think another update will have to fix this problem.

    2.  Please automate testing on all types of computers and browsers that this game can run on before releasing updates so you will catch problems like this before customers see them.  I would think that if you have computer software that you could have versions of the game configured all types of ways customers can configure the game, full screen, window screens and other types of setups and create a really thorough automated test environment that could catch things like this instead of just releasing updates and hoping for the best.

    Perhaps with A.I. someone can get an A.I. to do the testing on what I have read are called virtual environments that can simulate different types of browsers and operating systems to test new updates of WGT to make sure that new problems are not released to the public.  This is just an idea.  Thanks